A week ago when we kept our grans for the weekend, I let Mackinley sleep on a blow-up mattress on the floor of our bedroom. Fisherhubby chose to stay downstairs on the couch so he'd get a full night of sleep. Smart man.
Very early Sunday morning - - - too early for mere mortals to arise and shine - - - he called out, "Kamma, I need to go to the bathroom!"
"Go ahead," I told him, "and then get right back in your bed."
I heard him take care of business, get back in bed, and then I heard the tossing and turning begin.

"OK - - - come on."
He climbed up on my bed, with his stuffed doggy, and began to squirm around trying to get comfortable.
I kept my back to him, hoping he'd think I was asleep and settle in quickly.
More squirming.
Doggy hit the floor.
Macky leaned over the edge to retrieve doggy.
Long pause, then a little voice said, "Kamma?"
"What Mackinley?"
"Why are you so old?"
Silence while I tried to think of the appropriate response - - -
"Don't worry," says he, "Mommy's old too."
Ya gotta love kids!
Well he saved that one by saying Mommy is too! Love it.
Aren't kids great? What I want to know is did he ever get back to sleep?
Tell him you are so old because you are not getting enough sleep.
Well, that's funny!
Oh, the things kids say! Definatley a Bill Cosby moment.
in the words of our mutual friend "What a Hoot"
I wouldn't trade this kind of joy you share for the world. That is just too cute!
That's cute! A little depressing maybe, but cute!
Ohhh Keetha...
What a way to start my day!!! Girlfriend, I just laughed out loud and nearly spit out the coffee that I had just taken a big swig of! Kids...you gotta love em'! I'm sure that you shared your little guys story with his mother...who would be pleased to know that she too...was old! Hehe! Keetha, your little guy is just precious!!! What a blessing to have your grandchildren near so that you may enjoy them!!!
Well my friend, I just had to come over to thank you for coming by to visit my Tea Rose bedroom! You left such a sweet, sweet note...really made my day, Darlin'!!! Tahnk you! Hehe...I also read your post about your Christmas tree (after Sunday Favorites). I remember seeing that beautiful tree at Christmas! Girl, you did get those branches "fluffed" so beautifully!!! Wow...9'? You must have really tall ceilings at your place...how nice!
Have a fabulous day, dear lady!
Chari @Happy To Design
"out of the mouths of babes...." My students ask me the same...and I remember when I thought this age was VERY OLD...oh well, at least we are here to "roll our eyes" about it!
I'm sure mom appreciates that!!
I laughed out loud at this one, too cute!:)Remeind me to tell you the story of my niece seeing my mother getting ready to take a bath...
Man I love Mackie-isms! He's great!
THIS is (one of the reasons) why our children do NOT sleep with us or in our room! :)
Kamma's memory of how children behave when given liberties must be failing her in her OLD AGE!!!
Kammas are ALLOWED to do things parents shouldn't do.
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