Junior High.
High School.
First boyfriend.
Learning to drive (in the SNOW I might add)
For me, all these things happened in Wisconsin Rapids - - -

Please excuse me while I get all nostalgic and sappy. I am sitting in a hotel right in my beloved Rapids so I have every reason.
Truth be told, we went out to capture these photos yesterday afternoon and I was MUCH sappier then.

Later addendum: It's the Ahdawagam Building and I SHOULDN'T be surprised, that was also the name of our HS Yearbook!

Two musicals.
A supporting role in "Up the Down Staircase" and the lead in "His Wife the Midnight Trumpet Player."
Choir and Swing Choir. (We had the BEST EVER music department at good ole Lincoln and I kid you not one bit! I mean, we even sang Schubert's Mass in "G" for pity sake - - -IN LATIN no less) Thank you Coach Cleworth!
Campus Life
Ball Games
And oh so much more!!

But one year I had to miss it because I got grounded by my mom for leaving hair in my hairbrush that morning. Yes, you heard me right - - - hair in my hairbrush.

No - - - I'm not in the least bit bitter. Not in the least.

It's fun to see that scoreboard and be able to put pictures with that story. But I thought Grandpa felt bad for you and drove you to the school to see the scoreboard. So I had the story wrong in my head somehow!
i went to Jr High in Orlando and High School in Daytona. The nostalgia? It ain't there! Oh, I remember some of the teachers and classmates fondly, but the places themselves were nothing to get very excited about.
Your town, on the other hand, looks lovely. I'm glad you have such warm memories.
Wait...you got grounded for leaving hair in your hairbrush? Really? The NERVE of you! How could you have done such a horrid thing! Your mother must have had all manner of trouble with you. Sheesh!
I know - - - I was a rebel at heart, wasn't I???? Truth be told - - - I NEVER cleaned that hairbrush out in the morning, I usually HID it in my drawer and cleaned it later - - - that time I FORGOT to HIDE it!!!
So, I guess I deserved the punishment!!
Okay, your high school was bigger than my high school, but to balance things out, Wisconsin is ALMOST as beautiful as Michigan.
Oh Char - - - - please don't cuss like that in my blog comments!!!!
What a beautiful place to grow up! I love that building! If I had gotten grounded for leaving hair in my hairbrush, I guess I might have been saved from a lot of stuff! :) Lovely, lovely town.
NancyGrayce, what a GREAT way to look at it. And it is true, I was saved from a lot of stuff. Too bad I never saw it that way when I was a teenager!!! :-)
Okay, I'll clean up my language. No one can argue with the beauty.
Char - - - I think it is part of human nature to think ONE'S OWN stomping grounds are the most beautiful.
So - - - on the basis of that, I'll admit that it is fine for you to think yours more beautiful than mine.
Why, that's gracious of you.
Actually, Wisconsin and Michigan are very close in climate and foliage. Maybe it's a tie.
Oh yes, the memories these pictures invoke. Pam & I were probably sitting together at that football game you missed. Rapids has changed so much, but your pictures capture the good things. Everytime I visit, I think I should run into people I know, but it happens only occasionally. Those were good years.
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