Ole and Sven made their annual Michigan City salmon run over the last two days. Here are some images they captured - - -

Welcome to Keetha's place. Come on in, kick off your shoes, and sip a latté. His grace is new each morning. (Late Summer Wisconsin Sunset - photo by Keetha)
WOW...Ole & Sven knows how to "pull 'em in"!!!!
Beautiful pix of lake, sailboat & lighthouse!!!! One of my favorite songs, which is the caption for the lighthouse pic!!!!
I wondered who would know I was quoting song lyrics!!!!
Neat "Gator" on the truck!!! You can take the boy out of Florida but you can't the Florida out of the boy.
Oh boy, Jim likes another one of Greg's toys, the tent for the truck. Keetha, do you think this might qualify Jim & Greg for "redneck status"??? Jim wasn't at all impressed with that gorgeous hotel you guys stayed in at Wisc.
If we come to Indiana, can you set-up the truck-tent for Jim, at the motel??? I'll take the motel, thank you very much!!!!
We didn't stay in that hotel with the party going on outside - - - we ate at a restaurant across the parking lot.
I'm working on Greg's very own redneck post - - - saving it for tomorrow when I haven't posted so much already.
I was referring to hotel you & Greg stayed in (pretty staircase) on your Wisc. vacation trip.
Oh - - - well, Pam, Dad, and I stayed there for two nights on this recent trip too!!!
Love that hotel.
I love it too, in fact, lots better than TRUCK TENT!!!! Ha! But I can see Jim enjoying truck tent in Marion motel lot. His site would be cleaner but he might have cat carrier with 2 cats nested inside!!!! (Dixie & Billybob)
I love the fish picture
OOOOOOOOHHHHH, am I envious! That looks like a blast!
Leigh - - - I KNEW you'd like this post!!!
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