Somebody fell asleep this afternoon right in the midst of all of us. Our noise and activity didn't seem to phase his (her?) sleep at all, so - - -

Isn't he the cutest little music diva you've ever seen?

I should think after all the naps he's gotten when the rest of us didn't get one this is what he deserves!!!!
HAHAHAHA!!!!! So true, Mom, I agree!!
Come on - - - we were in a CROWD of people - - - if he can go THAT soundly asleep, he deserves whatever he gets!!!! Even Jason stayed awake that time!!!!
Hahhahahahahahaha! I LOVE it!
I can't believe you're still alive after posting those pics. HD would have me dead and burried for less.
Oh no - - - this is MILD compared to the things he does to me, so he just grinned.
I wouldn't have been able to hold the camera still for laughing so hard!!!
As I said on Keri's blog..the only difference between a good sport and bad sport..."lipstick"!!!
But - - - is a good sport still a good sport even if he is wearing lipstick??? You know, like the proverbial pig???
LOL....yup, our sport would still be a good sport, even with lipstick!!!!
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