USC vs Oregon State 0 - 21 at the half!!!!
This is why I LOVE NCAA football.
And now I have to go to bed - - - -
What score will I find in the morning?
In the morning: USC 21 - Oregon State 27!!!!
What a game!!!
I seem to remember this happened two years ago too.
Number one USC was toppled by the unranked Beavers
This is FUN STUFF, kids!!!
.What a game!!!
I seem to remember this happened two years ago too.
Number one USC was toppled by the unranked Beavers
This is FUN STUFF, kids!!!
OMG! I have to turn the tv on!!!!
What a game!!! I kept waking up and watching bits of it until it was over!!! Repeat of two years ago!!!!
Hey, have I done enough to at least be switched to the infrequent fliers?
My husband was very excited about this! He kept telling me all about it at halftime. I was half asleep and could've cared less! I think he was mumbling something about OSU having a chance now...
Well, I'd say to your husband that OSU only has a chance IN HIS DREAMS!!! But then - - - I'm a WI fan, and I'm still hoping the Badgers BEAT OSU at Camp Randall Stadium NEXT weekend - - - so there you have it in a nutshell.
As you know, I am not and have never been football fan except when Greg & Chip played in Ft. Myers and I'm sure since they graduated, Green Wave doesn't even have a team...Ha!!!!
ANYWAY, was listening to Dave Letterman this week & he was talking about Kyle's team (fighting cardinals) and that they have won 4 out of 4 games...WOW. They even beat IU. So, I may try to keep up with Ball State since I have a "dog in that race"!!!
Yep - - - Ball State is very good at football this year.
Last Saturday when they played IU though, one of their GREAT players broke his neck. He had to have surgery - - - looks like he will not be paralyzed, but his football career is probably over.
Well, I don't get into college football quite as much as you do or as much as I get into pro football, but I did catch a little of this game. I've never been a big Pete Carroll fan, and it is fun to see the underdog win, so I guess I am glad to see it happen. I'm much more concerned about the Colts these days.
The Colts are giving us much reason for concern - - - but that's making me enjoy NCAA football even more - - - I can still watch games and enjoy them without worrying that MY team is losing.
Keetha! I know it has been a long time, my computer time has dwindled dramatically since the loss of our computer.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that we are going to be in Marion next weekend for homecoming at IWU. We have a wedding in Logansport on Saturday but we'll be at Westview on Sunday! Just wanted to give you the heads up!
Paula - - - do you mean day after tomorrow, or the following Sunday, Oct. 5??? I HOPE October 5. We're going to be at our grand daughter's dedication this Sunday, Sept. 28. I wanna see ya!!!
Oh that's so sad about the player's neck but he's blessed that he won't be paralyzed.
Does Kyle go to any of the games? Guess if they played IU in Bloomington, that would have been a bit far to ride a bike...Ha!!!
October 5th.
Grammy - - - Kyle called me from one game just to let me know he was there. But I don't know if he rode his bike all the way to Bloomington or not!! Hehehehehehehe
Paula - - - Oh, I'm SOOOO glad. I'll look for ya!!!
Keetha, let me know when Ball State plays a game that is televised so I can watch and pretend that Kyle is there also....Ha!!! I am serious, let me know when one is televised.
There's one on TV right now - - - but don't know if you can see it down there or not. They're trouncing Kent State at the moment.
Is it ESPN or a local channel???
Nah, I went thru all channels. Will have to listen to David Letterman on Monday & he'll talk about it. I have Florida & Ole Miss and "I don't have a dog in that fight" so I turned it off....Ha!!!!
You have a "dog" in that fight - - - GREG!!!! That game is all tied up right now - the Gators didn't see THAT coming, a close game with Ole Miss.
I think the BSU game is on an Indy channel.
So Greg is a "true" Gator fan!!! I just turned TV back on and Tenn & Auburn is playing. Who won Gator game?
Gators lost.
Tennessee lost to Auburn.
Lots of losses today.
Yeah...I went to your blog and you had posted the scores. Wish I would have watched the game now. That was a close one.
I hear Blake Ayles played. He's one of our O LU grads. Also, they've put Aaron Corp in a couple of times, but it looks like Ayles is getting more field time.
Oh shoot - - - I WATCHED that game, but forgot to look for your guys. I need to try to remember to do that!!!
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