Sunday is upon us and I have somehow managed to squander away two entire weeks without making even one tiny blog post.
Some of you have contacted me with concern and worry over my state of being. I thank you so much for 1) noticing I was in absentia and 2) caring.
There are many reasons for my bloggy absence - - - but the bottom line is when life is pressing deadlines upon me making a blog post begins to feel like yet another deadline and I have a propensity for turning into an ostrich and sticking my head in the sand.
There you have it. I have bared my bloggy soul.
Let's move on to more pleasant things, shall we?
This man has been teasing and tormenting me now for 38 blissful years of marriage.
You know him as Fisherhubby.
Today was the day we celebrated those 38 years - - - though to get to today I forced us to take a detour AWAY from celebrating last weekend, as originally planned, because - - -
Instead of going OUT to eat, I decided I'd rather go IN to the ER and drink this lovely beverage. Actually, I drank two of these beauties.
Fun times.
But not to worry - - - THIS time, and trust me in my case this next phrase is nearly a miracle it is so unusual, they WERE able to figure out a diagnosis for me. It is simply amazing how much BETTER one can feel when the root of their problem has been dealth with.
OK - - - so maybe they didn't deal with the root of my MENTAL problems, but physically I'm feeling better than I have in years.

We drove pretty much straight east across the state to Grand Chute. (fancy name for several Wisconsin towns like Appleton and Neenah all lumped together.)
In Grand Chute we stopped at Gander Mountain so Fisherhubby could browse and buy in the, wait for it, FISHING department.
After that we ate a scrumptious meal at Red Lobster.
If you are not a fan of Red Lobster, I feel so sorry for you.
On our way to Grand Chute, just outside of the tiny town of Weyauwega (Y U Wee Gah) I spied the cutest little row of shops made to look like an old wild west town.
Well, I guess once Wisconsin WAS a bit of the wild west.
If not TOTALLY west then it was part of the wild central.
Unfortunately this little row of picturesque shops came upon us too fast for me to pull in while we were on our way to the Big Apple (which of course in these here parts is Appleton.)
But on the return trip we stopped for a photo shoot.
Such a cute little "strip mall" yet it was literally a ghost town.
Nary a shop was open.
There were no shoppers.
I don't see how they can stay in business that way, no matter how cute they are.
I loved this old Texaco sign. Who remembers the TV ditty?
Sing with me:
"You can trust your car to the man who wears the star, the big red Texaco star!!"
And now there are no more Texaco's for us to trust our cars to, at least not round these here wild central parts. No more cute little men in red stars who run out to fill up our gas tanks, wash our windshields, and check our oil.
I guess they've gone the way this village appears to be going - - -
And they way the horses, carriages, and stable boys went before them.
Some parts of progress I'm not so fond of.
For one last sight seeing stop before heading on home, we pulled into Weyauwega.
Mostly 'cause I needed to visit the little girls room.
But also because these church spires had been calling to us for miles and miles out on the highway.
It's Saint Peter's Lutheran church of Weyauwega.
There was a major remodeling project going on around both sides of the church, but I was so glad that at least for now, this historical facade remains intact.
And these spires!!
I hope they keep pointing to the sky for years to come and calling weary travelers in off of highway 10 that these days passes Weyauwega right by.
I'm joining Unknown Mami
For Sundays in My City.
Please hurry over to Unknown Mami's to see
What's happening in other cities around blogland.
I've been going through a similar feeling with my blog, so I get you. Nice to see you back, and happy wedding anniversary!
Happy Wedding Anniversary!
So glad you are feeling better.
Love where you visited.
Blogging: pleasure or pain... Blogging block whatever it is, it happens and we/bloggers and followers deal with it sometimes with radical methods sometimes with giving it time to be a joy again.
Take care. :)
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd!!
Happy Anniversary! What a charming town.
Is it my imagination, or does that Lutheran church look quite a bit like Rapid's Lutheran church used to look?
Yes I wondered ... but a lot seem to be missing from blogland -- busyness of life at this time of year? Not sure, but glad to see all is ok and the place you went is so picturesque! I don't think that is spelled right, but have a good Sunday and happy anniversary!
A little sad about the quaint little shops. I would think that as summer travel season begins, they would open for tourists, at least.
Congrats on your anniversary!
Sorry you were not feeling well but glad you are feeling so well now! Happy Anniversary, too bad the shops weren't open but I am sure you and Mr. had a great time anyway. And yes we missed you!
I'm so glad you found out the problem and feel better now. Your trip was lovely! Happy Anniversary my friend! Hope you have some time to enjoy during summer vacation! Hugs!
So glad you are feeling better! Happy Anniversary! Beautiful towns. I must add these to my bucket list.
Oh, so glad you are feeling better, that's wonderful!
Loved all the pics of your Anniversary Getaway. And, yes, I do remember the Texaco jingle very well. Wow, those were the days and we got full service when we went to get our tanks filled.
Blessings to you this Lord's Day!
happy 38th Anniversary! Glad you're well! Love the Texaco sign. One of the invites to our wedding was the owner of the Texaco Gas station. He gave us our kitchen silver, glasses and dishes as a wedding present. The dishes are gone, down to one glass however the silver is still in use today. Thanks for the memory.
I am so happy that you have a diagnosis to work with now! What good news.
I have been reading past posts but for some reason can not comment. More great wit gone to waste. No matter, I'm here now and so are you and FH. Happy anniversary and God bless you both!
I was absent too so I didn't notice your absence. Welcome back to both of us. Now I got Red Lobster on the brain.
So glad you are feeling better and Happy Anniversary!
I am so glad to hear you are feeling better and the doctors actually helped. Happy Anniversary! It sure looks like the trip was a very nice outing. Such cute towns, it is too bad everything was closed.
I definitely have missed you, but just figured you and fisherhubby were out and about enjoying life. Nice to know all is well and you had a wonderful anniversary. Take care.
I am super glad to see you back!!! So glad you're feeling better!
Happy Anniversary.......38 years is such a wonderful accomplishment. It will take us 20 1/2 more years to get to that year! Glad you got to go on a little adventure and I love that little town. What a beautiful church!
What gorgeous photos! Loved the ghost town buildings. I hope all continues to be well with your health issues. Glad they figured you out.
Happy Anniversary
Good health is a good update.
nice looking town.
Glad you are feeling better! That is a cute little ghost town. Especially wish that cabin decor place had been open for you!
Happy Anniversary.....
the spelling is NEENAH for those of you who have never been to WIS. It is a town to the S of Appleton...I still have friends there and a sister in a dinky town on the Wolf River called Winneconne....How's that for WIS. names? LOL
Love the wild West in Weyauwega...
Happy Anniversary...glad you are back and feeling better. And now I am singing the Texaco star song. Thanks...(o;
HOW FUN!!!! So glad you were finally able to celebrate. Love you both!
Glad you are back. Nice photo tour of the town. Happy anniversary. Hope your husband found another fishing lure to buy. Can't have enough fishing gear is my motto.
That little strip of stores is so cute and I bet it's even cuter when they are open.
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