Continuing with my cranberry harvest theme - - - let me take you down to the banks of the old creek - - - Cranberry Creek!!
Don't worry, you won't get your toes wet or your shoes muddy.

And WHAT a shop - - - but I'll get to THAT in a minute.
Isn't Jodi just the cutest??? And her little puppy too??? Jodi is every bit as sweet and nice as she looks.
BTW - - - that pitcher on the counter in front of her??? Um, yah - - - that was going home with me!
And THESE are just the FRONT rooms - - - -
So come on up to Wisconsin, y'all, and we'll go dip our toes in the creek - - - Cranberry Creek!!!

"Sundays in My City"
To which I am linking this post.
My City is Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
Okay, now I feel like an idiot. I just had to spent an hour catching up because when I'd come to your blog I thought you were posting about the games and didn't see the posts underneath. UGH! Anyway, I loved catching up. Loved the antique shop and the cranberry bog tour. Thanks for taking me with you.
I did the same thing, Beverooni!!! I had to go back to the blog because I thought my eye caught something great...OH< YES, it did...Cranberry you know I would love to come up to Tundra Land!!! Wish my hands and legs would be good to go. I am sending this info to my sister in Winneconne and my niece in Fremont and my friends in Appleton....I know they all would love to get over to WR and Cranberry Creek.....Now, back to browse the pictures for something I can pick up for my home here in HP, NC
Have a great weekend...GO PACKERS AND BREWERS!!!!!!!
Love from HP, NC
What a fun place! I love antique shops and I try to imagine the "life" the antiques once had!
Cranberry Creek looks like a place I would love to visit and spend some $$ in myself!
What a beautiful shop! I hate to shop and hardly ever buy anything, but I love artfully arranged stores!
That place is overflowing with treasures.
Yup, I'd love that place!
Both she and the puppy are super cute - and that place looks like a place where I could spend a LOT of time..! :-D
Oooooooooo, I could SO spend some time and money there! I was 'shopping' on each of the pictures you posted and pretty much filled my vertual cart!
Thanks for sharing the store with us...I do wish there were one near moi. I'd be there weekly!
AND the Cranberry CAR is one fine ride! Whooooooo
Isn't autumn wonderful this year?
Oh, and I love your new banner picture. So nice!
Your friend's shop looks amazing. That Olds is gorgeous!
Wow, she has done an amazing job.
Zap me down there for a visit! It seems like it would be such fun to have a business like that, but I know in my heart of hearts it would be a TON of work !!
I would love to shop there too! I will keep it in the back of my mind for when I get to Wisconsin the next time!!
We will be there one of these days.
I love antique shops...could get lost in there and never want to come out. Ah, the wallet will throw me out every time!
Such gorgeous pictures - and I love the one in the header, too.
Very nice "meeting" you, Keetha. Have a wonderful week ahead.
What a really neat little place! I could spend hours in there!
May have to visit Wisconsin! That looks like a really cool store!
Whoa! That looks seriously fun, enticing and spendy inviting!
Looks like a neat place. No mess, good order and all the items look 'clean' = My kind of place! :)
That looks like my kinda place! The kind I could get lost in for a few hours.
I spotted some items that I'd like to pick up and examine! What fun to hang out in antique shops. We'll do that next time I come up that way. It had better be soon as I wasn't able to do my usual road trip to Michigan and then detour to WI!
Wow that shop is just full of gems! But I love the car most of all!
Well I read today's post and HAD to follow your link to Cranberry Creek and am glad I did. This shop is simply wonderful and she has gathered lots of treasures here. I see why some of them wind up at your house.
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