She would want me to tell you that.
She would want me to HIGHLIGHT the younger part.

Evidently her grandmotherly instincts need an outlet and in the absence of her own grans, she has adopted someone (something???) else's.
Cohan and Carson - - - HURRY BACK TO FLORIDA before your grandma finds even stranger and more deadly surrogate grans!!!
How would you like that THING to nibble on your ear????
The albino burmese python, Bananas, that I petted at the same event crept into Joe's dreams and wreaked havoc with his night's rest. I, on the other hand, slept like a baby. Even tho the gator was a cuddler, it didn't hold a candle to the grands!
Nothing wrong with gator loving. I've been doing an ongoing comic with just such a theme.
so why IS Pam holding a gator??
This is making me shiver...
That's a scream!
Sometimes a momma just can't help but hold all creatures like that LOL
I'm curious as to what she's doing with the gator, too.
Well, what you are trying to tell me is your Sister is NUTTIER than you:) I can't imagine holding an aligator.... YIKES! Cute pictures of the grans!
Enjoy your evening, send your Sister to the doctor:)
Oh.Good.lord. I might have nightmares about alligators tonight. Just maybe. Eek! ;)
Heeeeey! I just noticed that if you look close she's not REALLY putting her life in danger, not even an ear. That gator's got his mouth rubbed banded shut. Lol. The other gators must have gotten tired of him talking their ears off. (THAT's why gators have no ears.)
Did she ever get grounded for leaving hair in her hairbrush? Perhaps it had the alligator effect on her!
So nice to see you over at my place,
and glad our 'messy bread' made you laugh.
barbara jean
Looks like the EVENT has finally been revealed. Alien Reptiles are choosing human females for their diabolical takeover of the Earth. Good thing alligators taste like chicken when properly cooked. Folks in New Orleans know how to cook these swamp critters.
I'm quite sureI could never hold an alligator! Now a Gator man is a different story! :)
You and your sister look so much alike!
Hi Keetha and hi Pam!
Your grands are very cute and I bet you miss them so much!
Keetha your so funny!
Great post!
What!? WHY?! Unless it's a belt or a handbag, I don't want to get that close to one. Gah!
Um ... speechless.
I have younger sisters too! I always introduce them as my "very much younger sisters".
I'm happy to note that I can't detect much resemblance between Pam's grandchildren and her surrogate grandgator. There's resemblance between her grandkids and your grandkids, though.
I have a younger sister too, who I can really tick off when I introduce her as my big sister! hehehe She is now a grandma, though, so I can rub that in, although I am a little jealous of her cutie pie. So, what IS your sister doing with that thing? Never-I would never hold one like that! Linda
I like your sister
I love reptiles and odd creatures also
Wow she is brave!
That picture gives me shivers, lol... HOLY COW, HURRY BACK GRANDS...
I love this post about Pam but I'm wondering if you are ok. I check your blog daily and I keep seeing these cute pictures of Pam and her baby Gator. Hope all is well in Badger land.
I see that the mouth is strapped down but I would really like to know the why? behind her holding it! They scare me.
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