What is it about your childhood home that makes it, for you, the most beautiful place on Earth? How does "home" get such a hold on your heart that you find yourself "pining" to return.
Lately, I've found myself literally pining for the pines of Central Wisconsin.
They can stand alone. . .
Pine trees definitely remind me of my childhood. We used to play under the pines, creating the outlines of rooms with pine straw.
When we built our house when I was in sixth grade, Daddy planted about 20 pine seedlings in the front yard. I probably trampled some of them with my horse, but most survived.
Well, those eventually got out of hand, and Daddy had to have all of them cut down.
OH Keetha,
You need to be in Wisconsin girl! You are such a Wisconsinite! The land here is so very pretty and the big pines just can't be beat! Hugs, Cindy
I can see why they call you home. They are certainly beautiful! Reminds me a little of Schroon Lake, NY where I spent several summers. I loved the smell of pines.
Very pretty. For me it's the ocean and family.
There's no place like home. There's no place like home. :) Great looking photos, Keetha!
How majestic they look. I love pine trees and living close to the mountains. We'll be taking a drive to see the colors tomorrow. It's the beautiful time of year!
God bless.
Hi Keetha,
Looks like we both had a great day out in the forest last Sunday.
Your trees are truly awesome.
a bientot
The pictures are great. I just love pine trees, I am always taking pictures of them.
i can just imagine the smell of them
i love trees of all kinds!
"Home"... the sweet memories of happy carefree days.
How many Wisconsin trips have you made this year? I have decided to visit this fall and NOT let 2009 be the first year my feet missed touching the homeland soil.
Kinda looks like east Texas!! We are known as the Piney Woods. I love them but they wreak havoc in our hurricane winds because their roots are so shallow.
Those trees look much like the trees at Lake Wazeecha (as does the shoreline). How peaceful!
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