Many of you have asked where in the world I've been.

All I know is that after 7 plus years of blogging and a different lappy, which I don’t like, I seem to have lost my blogging fervor.

Someday, when you least expect it, I will post again.

For those of you still waiting I say thank you.

Meanwhile, I am rather prolific on twitter. Find me: @KeethaB
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The Eclectic Company - Waitin' on a New Adventure!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Friday, March 29, 2013

Out Like a Lamb Frags

Technically it's still Friday so I can frag, even late as it is.  Some say "they" save the best 'til last.  Well, THAT remains to be seen.

Now, dear bloggy friends, I shall endeavor to HURRY to get in some quality (?) frags before this day is in the history books.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
After a March that only a mama polar bear could love, we here on the frozen tundra are FINALLY beginning to see some signs of spring and new life.

All of us, even those of us who LOVE winter and snow, are ready for March to go out like a gentle sweet little lambiekin.

Sorry - no photo credit love.  Fisherhubby texted this to me sans any credits.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
In OTHER parts of the blog-o-sphere folks are already sweatin' to the oldies in their capris and flippy flops.

Dear sweet Sister Pam delights in texting me pics (like this one) of her heat strokes. 

She is joined in this photo, and on her trek through the Everglades, by my niece Misti and two great nieces Carson and Morgan.
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Future Prima-Ballerina, Miss Piper Renae.
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My nail tech gave me an Easter sunrise this week.  
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Fisherhubby waiting expectantly for his super dooper deluxe Wisconsin Friday night Fish Fry.
It was WELL worth the wait, let me just tell ya!!!

Because, you know, we have SO MANY wild lobsters in Central Wisconsin.
* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Our oldest son, Kelly, and his granpaw - Fisherhubby's dad.

Can you see THOSE genes at work???

* * * * * * * * * * * *
And that's all I've got for tonight.

I can only HOPE short really is sweet.


Please hurry over to Mrs. 4444's place
Where you will see LOTS of other frags
AND where you can "frag-up" yourself
Should you so choose.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring is IN the House - in My City


Today when I stopped by Wally's Fabulous World, I was delighted to find a little "pot-o-Spring" to bring home.

'Cause this is how our Spring still looks OUTSIDE - - - only today WITHOUT the blue skies and sunshine.

Next I decided to experiment with some of the photo effects on my phone camera.

This one is called warm vintage.

You'll notice that OTHER sure sign of spring - The Big Dance - is goin' on on the TV in the background.
This effect is called Blue Point.   I kinda like it, makes me feel like I'm a greeting card creator.

So how about a little Green Point?

I should have found this one last week for Saint Patrick's Day, no?
And this one is called Red-Yellow Point.

I guess I didn't have much red to point about!  

And that's what we do up here on the Frozen Tundra in MY CITY to keep ourselves entertained while we wait for what normal people call Spring weather. 

Today I'm joining Unknown Mami
For Sundays in My City.
Please hurry over to Unknown Mami's to see
How Spring is progressing in other cities around blogland.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Somewhere Over the Fragbow - - -

It is Friday and time to bring out a whole fragbow of assorted odds and ends.

Even though this is one of my FAVORITE weekly parties, I have MISSED JOINING for two weeks running, or was it three?   

It was a personal issue - - - I have personal issues.   I know that comes as a shock but there it is.

Mostly I let myself procrastinate undesirable chores (i.e. BILL PAYING) but while doing so I punish myself by NOT letting myself do the things I love.  And there you have it - - - the making of a basket case in a nutshell.


Oh well I'm back!!!  Let's just pretend we're ostriches and stick our heads in the sand about all of that, shall we?

Now on to the fragbow - - -
* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Two of our children and their spouses (spouses not shown here) went to the sunny climes of Florida for a wee vacay and neglected to invite their mamma to go along.  They DID however text me pictures like this so I could enjoy the fun vicariously.

Never mind kiddos, I wouldn't have invited me either.  Besides, I like to go to Florida in the summer so I won't miss any of our lovely frozen tundra snow.

Our snow is whiter than your beach sand.
* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Poor little Mack got the "bad speller" gene from his Kamma.  He WANTS to spell all the words correctly, but it is a struggle for him.

Oh how I remember those days for myself.  The ONLY time I ever tried to cheat in my school life was over a couple of 3rd grade spelling words.  

I before E or two T's or one M or - - - oh it is all WAY too confusing.

I don't even remember if I actually USED my little "cheat note" penciled onto the top of my desk, but I DO remember having to go to the teacher the next day to confess 'cause I just was way way WAY too guilty.

But WHY did I have to pass THIS gene on to my sweet little gran????
* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Some hardworking man around here comes home, gets in his comfy pj's, and sits on the loveseat to watch TV.

Nearly immediately his head starts to bob.

"You better go to bed, honey, you'll get a crick in your neck."

Mumble  (Interpretation - I'm too comfortable to move)

Eventually he ends up all slouched down like this - - - sometimes for several hours.

Poor baby.

(different colored socks worn intentionally with pride)

* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Now HERE'S a gene I'm very happy to have passed along to both my grans - - - the jig saw puzzler gene.
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Why oh why is my wifi choosing THIS MOMENT when I'm trying to do my fragbow to go all wonkey???  On, off, on, off, works, doesn't work.

Good Grief, Charlie Brown.
* * * * * * * * * * * * 
This surfaced out of my drier one day.  

Only THIS is after I cut the towel away from the other end of the lure, see the little scraps of towel left behind?

Do you have any idea how HARD it is to get barbed hooks out of gloves and towels?

Um yah, SOMEONE is very fortunate these stuck to HIS stuff and didn't destroy anything of mine.

I'm just sayin'
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About a week ago the grans were excited to have a snow day.  They snuggled down with their blankie and tablets for some quiet fun.

Their Kamma wishes it was the BUCKY BADGER blankies she gave them instead of this nasty old Wolverine one - - - but who's noticing.  ;-)

Snow days are free holidays, don't'cha know!
* * * * * * * * * * * *

The other day Fisherhubby had to take my car someplace.

"Don't touch my library lanyard in the passenger seat," I called after him.

I know his propensity for messing with my stuff when he gets in my car and I NEED my lanyard 'cause my locker key is hanging on it.

He came home and said, "I TOUCHED your lanyard."

He just can't help himself.

"That 14 year old whom I married,"  she said shaking her head.
* * * * * * * * * * * * 
That's all the fragbow I have for today.


Please hurry over to Mrs. 4444's place
Where you will see LOTS of fragbows
AND where you can "frag-up" yourself
Should you so choose.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Going Postal

We've already established that Spring around here simply means more snow and cold, so lets move on to another topic, shall we?

How about a little "going postal?"
Just look at these bright blue eyes.  Can you tell, as she sits there eating her "chocklick," that LOTS is going on in that little brain?

Well, it is.

Allow me, please, to digress for a moment - I LOVE me some Chick-fil-A.  I'm GREEN with envy over her little snack 'cause we don't HAVE a Chick-fil-A 'round here.  And no, C-f-A did NOT solicit my opinion nor pay me for this little advert.

Now back to going postal:

The other day Piper decided to write a letter, an actual POSTAL letter, to her Kamma and Papoo.  All the ideas were her own, but her mommy printed in her thoughts so we can all follow.

Once she had it all created - - -

She slipped into her daddy's work (policeman) jacket and scurried out to the mailbox to mail her letter to us all by herself.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Kamma and Papoo were surprised and DELIGHTED to receive THIS in the mail.

Let me share some of the contents with you:

Notice Papoo is dreaming of fish.  Well, THAT'S accurate.

I'm not sure why Papoo has boobs and I don't - - - or are those great big eyes he has?  Either way, it is clear that Kamma is rather personalityless next to Papoo.   Well, THAT'S prettty accurate too.

I can't TELL you how much I love THIS.  Papoo HATES to share with Kamma.  He's always saying, "just get your OWN."  To which I reply, "but I only want a tiny sip!"

Also, since the grans were babies Papoo has held his finger over the end of his straw so he could give tiny sips of "contraban" (like diet coke) to the babies.  THEY LOVE IT and love him for doing it.

Little does she know that the cross-country skis are FAR longer than that, but it's a good effort anyway.

OK, this one purely cracks me up.

I don't know WHY my darling little gran has any concept of vampires, but to give them a pig nose is just a hoot, don't'cha know?

I thought Piper at ballet had a jump rope swinging over her head, but if you look closely at the REAL DEAL below you will see just how WRONG I was.

And that, my dear bloggy friends, is what I call PERFECTION!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Has Sprung on the Frozen Tundra

Today is the first day of Spring!!!  Even on the FROZEN TUNDRA, Spring has sprung. 
'Tis true that here on the frozen tundra we woke to 4 degrees and THIS right outside our windows on the very first day of Spring.

No, it didn't just fall in the night or even this past week, at least not ALL of it fell this week - - - only about 5 inches or so of it did.

But here it is, and here it will stay for a while yet.

Our pastor, who longs for warm weather year around, wasn't any too happy about the 4 degrees this morning.  I "bopped" into his office and said, "Pastor, guess what verse I just found in Psalms?"

He said, "If it has to do with snow I don't want to hear it!"

HA!  He knows me well - - - but not QUITE well enough because THIS time I wasn't planning to even HINT at snow.

But I digress.

Back to Spring arriving on the frozen tundra - - -

You know y'all, it doesn't MATTER what the temperature is or how much snow we still have, THIS IS SPRING.  The sun "don't" lie.   And the sun says (by it's position over Earth) that today begins Spring.

So - - - Spring it is.  This just happens to be OUR form of Spring.

I went around with my camera to see if I could spy any signs that we are or WILL warm up and believe it or not, even at 13 degrees, I found these:

Sign #1:  Gorgeous blue skies with the sun POURING down its warmth onto our continuous blanket of white.

It is so "hot" it warmed us from 4 at 7 this morning to 13 by the time I took these photos mid-afternoon.

What a beautiful sight - - - any season.


Sign #2:  A small puddle of meltage at the end of our driveway where the sun has warmed the concrete enough to do damage to the crystaline structure of frozen water rendering it to its liquid state.

Yep - - - even at 13 degrees the SUN is warm enough to cause meltage and be a harbinger of SPRING.

Of course if you just raise your eyes an eensy, teensy, tinsy bit you will see that we STILL have a snow mountain at the end of our driveway.

Well - - - actually THIS is more of a snow mole-hill ya'll.  

Still, it WILL take the sun a WHILE to melt through all of this.

Sign #3:  See that little black dot out there in the yard beyond the nearly buried snow gauge?

Guess what that is!!!
IT'S CHIPPY!!!!  He chose TODAY, the very first day of Spring, to emerge from his winter burrow for the very first time!!!

He sat in his little den doorway for a LONG time - - - I think he was "skeered" of all that cold white stuff, poor little guy - - - and then

He began to venture forth, leaving a plethora of cute little Chipmunk tracks in his wake.

And that's how the first day of Spring sprung 'round "these here" parts.

Cheer up guys, by the first day of SUMMER all this snow will be gone.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Arrives in My City

If you live in the northern hemisphere, Spring WILL arrive this week on Wednesday, March 20th.

It will NOT matter whether you are having balmy warm temps and blue skies or not. 

Once March 20th gets here, it WILL be spring.

Round MY city, if you want to FEEL Springy, you have to bring a touch of it indoors.

And no, you can't just pick them outside your door.  They have to be imported from a hot house somewhere cause outside your door you will still be seeing this - - -

Snow mountains.

These particular snow mountains form when plows push snow out of the way.  You find them at the corners of driveways and all around the edges of parking lots.

This past week we added about 6 more inches (divided between two snow storms) to the snow that had to be piled up into these "very lovely" mountains.

Some of us have to "pass through the valley of the shadow of death" to get to our front doors.

We're just happy to have a valley through which to pass!!

Some of us are a bit nostalgic and sad knowing our snow mountains are about to shrink away for another year.

Fisherhubby has been heard lamenting on several occasions:  "Our snow is melting, my ice fishing and cross country skiing days are numbered!!"

For some it is a matter of life and death - - - as the snow goes, so go they.

But even here, on the frozen tundra,to the discerning eye there are definite signs that Spring is indeed here - - -

There are blue skies and sunny days.  There's a definite warmness in the air - - - trust me - - - 27 is HOT after -10.

AND, the days are longer now - - - the sun isn't setting until after 7 pm.

The sun beating down for longer hours each day has begun to melt the snow mountains as manifested by rivulets running across parking lots and rushing down into storm sewers.

True - - - more snow may yet fall - - - but it is fighting a losing battle now for the sun WILL ultimately prevail.

And last but not least, icicles are forming from eaves and ledges.   These are real harbingers of spring because they mean the snow is melting and refreezing as it drips from high places.

And THAT is how spring is arriving in my neck of the woods!  How's it coming in "by" you?  (That phrase - "by you" is very Wisconsinish, just so you know!)

Today I'm joining Unknown Mami
For Sundays in My City.
Please hurry over to Unknown Mami's to see
How Spring is coming to other cities around blogland.
All the photos in this post were taken by me this week (March 10 - 16, 2013) and were NOT resurrected from mid-winter archives, just so you know.

Keeping it REAL 'round here.