Many of you have asked where in the world I've been.

All I know is that after 7 plus years of blogging and a different lappy, which I don’t like, I seem to have lost my blogging fervor.

Someday, when you least expect it, I will post again.

For those of you still waiting I say thank you.

Meanwhile, I am rather prolific on twitter. Find me: @KeethaB
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The Eclectic Company - Waitin' on a New Adventure!!
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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Blessing In My City


Today was a very unusual day at our church.

There was no sermon.

Instead, there was a celebration and honoring of the relationships God has instituted in our lives.

First the teams that go out each week or every other week to minister in nursing homes were called to the front in recognition of the one year anniversary of this ministry. Those teams were prayed for and commissioned for another year of service.

Next, one couple came forward to renew their wedding vows. Their two grade school age children were their "attendants." It was precious.

Then three young children, not babies but young children were dedicated to the Lord. These children are from families who have just recently made the Lord the center of their lives and since they were never dedicated as babies, they were now. Never too late!

After that, one lady was baptized and a gentleman was brought into church membership.

For each of these people, whether renewing vows, being dedicated, being baptized, or brought into church membership pastor had a special verse for them to take as their life verse.

Then, to close the service, anyone in the congregation who wished to receive Aaron's blessing was invited to make a procession up the center aisle to the pastor where they would be anointed with oil, prayed over, and given Aaron's blessing.

There was a holy hush amongst us as we nearly all came forward.

Then pastor (in the beard) placed his hand on our shoulder and said these words from Numbers 6:24-26 over each of us individually:

"The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you; and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."

And I say, "Amen."

His presence was surely there with us.

Thanks to Unknown Mami for hosting
"Sundays in My City"
To which I am linking this post.
My City is Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin



Keri said...

What a wonderful idea!!!

Unknown said...

It sounds like a beautiful time with the Lord and his people.

Unknown said...

Lovely--there's never a more moving picture than of men praying together. Thank you for sharing your special service with us!

Vidya Sury said...

Such a lovely post, Keetha and what a wonderful title. I can visualize the whole event. Thank you for sharing. Makes me feel real good!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a perfectly wonderful service! So much happiness and blessing.

Theresa said...

Sounds like a wonderful service! Something for everyone! Our Service was wonderful too! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Life is beautiful...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful! Sound like a perfect day at church.

podso said...

What a wonderful service it must have been!

Tami said...

Such an unique way to celebrate.

nancygrayce said...

What a wonderful service. That's a sermon in itself.

Raise Them Up said...

Amen. :) We saw the movie Courageous Saturday night at church, and Sunday morning brought hearts full of renewed determination to seek God's blessing and strength.

★Carol★ said...

I knew not to open that e-mail. You've never ever called me "my dear"! How the heck does that happen? You're the second person I know who that's happened to. Love your blog header, by the way!
Happy Valentine's Day,

Claudya Martinez said...

It sounds like it was a beautiful experience.