And now I know!!!
And now I know!!!

Tonight at our annual school auction
I was sold for a "night out."
The parents of two of my students bought me.
Guess what they paid?
I came home and asked hubby what he thought they should have paid - - -
When he paused to think, I told him:
"You should have said,
'Honey, they can't afford what you are worth!!'"
Your poor husband. He should have asked "Is this a trick question??" That's what my husband always says!!
Keetha- you're priceless! Hope you are on the mend. I have been sick with the crud too-still fighting it. Hope to recover this weekend.
I agree with Leigh.....I know how much they paid for you and it still wasn't enough for you are a priceless gem!! Have fun watching your football games today!!
Whooo Hooo!!! Thanks girls.
You could have also said "TIME'S UP" when he hesitated!!! It's best to look on the bright side, maybe he was adding and he ran out of fingers & toes!!!
So how much DID they pay and do I owe it, too, on our upcoming night out?? :)
I'm waiting for people to GUESS what they paid!!!!
Let's see...parents of your students...tough economic times...close to Christmas...my guess is $150.00. (I am sorry if I am low).
Well at least you made a GUESS!!!!
I was HOPING I'd go for MORE than fifty cents!!!!
Any more guesses before I tell?
Come on and tell already!
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