Something must be wrong when I'm too fragmented to fragment. Goodness - - - it's nearly 9:30 on fragment day and I'm not fragmented YET.
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We woke up this morning with what appeared to be manna spread all over the ground. At least I imagine that is how manna would have looked.
In our case it was snow. Now, a bit of snow in April in Wisconsin isn't all that unusual EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT WE'VE ALREADY HAD TWO WEEKS OF 80+ DEGREE WEATHER IN MARCH.
In our case it was snow. Now, a bit of snow in April in Wisconsin isn't all that unusual EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT WE'VE ALREADY HAD TWO WEEKS OF 80+ DEGREE WEATHER IN MARCH.
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Oh thanks to modern technology we had overflow seating out in the lobby and in the multi-purpose room where folks could see his face, way bigger than life, on a movie screen and hear him "live time."
I think it was all a great success.
But when I found out he wouldn't let me harmonize with him on all my old faves - - - - "500 Miles", "Leavin' on a Jet Plane", and "Ain't Gonna Study War No More" - - - I got mad and left.
OH DON'T BELIEVE ME - - - I KID about harmonizing and getting mad, though I didn't stay when my work was finished.
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I don't think I'd have exposed my poor head to the fury of THAT size hail stones!
I don't have any extra brains to get pounded out!
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Here's the finished product - - - using "Specimen A."
My friend Eloise, pronounced E-Lois, gave me the frame and I decided to spare NO EXPENSE, so I flew in the biggest Bucky Badger Fan I could find, had Fisherhubby snap her picture, and stuck her in the frame.

Head on over to Mrs. 4444's place
And check out all the other Friday Fragments.
Photo Credit: Peter Yarrow photo from
That Texas hail is Texas sized and looks dangerous. The glass slipper you bought is strangely pretty, don't you think? Weird weather in Wisconsin from hot to snow in April.
Snow & hail,weather is so often talked about because it is so interesting and ever-changing. Just like politics, religion, and football!
You are so much fun Keetha, and I imagine being with you is a lot of fun, fun with substance...very important you know. I love the picture and it would be placed in a very important and noticeable place were I to be as much of a fan as you.
I would love to hear Peter Yarrow in concert, even if there was barely overflow standing room.
I'm certain my head would not survive hail that size.
Wow-That hail is quite impressive! That shoe? HM. Eclectic certainly fits.
You are one funny duck, my friend. Some day, we will meet :)
Thanks for linking up. Have a great weekend!
Very interesting post. You have introduced me to a new meme. I will have to dig out a notebook and see what happens. Perhaps, I will find something worth linking up.
Thanks for your visits my way.
Oh, my.....I knew you were famous!!!
O.K. love that shoe bottle. If I lived near, you might have to worry about my "lifting" it! :)
The weather is weird here too! One day it is hot and the next day you need a sweater! Love your new frame with the BIGGEST Bucky Badger fan in it:) Have a blessed day dear Keetha, HUGS!
That hail is NUTS. The weather here has been off too. It was 80's then we had a frost warning....what??
It better get it's act together, and soon!
Snow and 80 degree weather. Weird. That's the weather now all over the globe. Just plain weird. Enjoy your weekend.
The shoe bottle is just neat! I'm not a big shoe fan and I think it's a great piece, my Aunt would go nuts! hehe
We've had some of that crazy weather n Ohio too. 80 degree days in March and now real spring feels so cold!
I'm totally with you on not sticking my head out in hail that size. OW!
I saw their hail pictures on Facebook! Crazy!! Awesome job on the frame, Mama. And the picture pretty much sums you up perfectly. :)
You are a pip! You may love the Badgers more than anyone else, but you are not the Biggest Fan. Not even close.
Cute frame and picture, though. What fun to have a Peter Yarrow concert. While we were in Omaha there was a Jimmy Buffett concert---and it was strange to note that our young waitress that night had never heard of him. Creak!
Larry Gatlin did a tornado benefit concert here this week and sadly he didn't le me harmonize either. I feel your pain!
Love it! You look perfect in that frame. Wow, I wouldn't want those hail balls hitting my car. I think I would enjoy an evening with Peter. Sounds like a great crowd came to see him!
This MEME is perfect for you, Darlin' and I enjoyes every frag of it!!!
Our weather here in Cleveland is crazy too--80's the last two days and 42 today.
Did Peter (and audience) sing Puff the Magic Dragon? Loved it as a child when it was popular. Still love it. Any photos from that concert?
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