.HA! How's that for "waxing philosophical" about Friday Fragments???? Good Friends and Good Food - What Could Be Better???
Sunday my bloggy friend Cindy, her hubby Dan, and their little granddaughter Addie came over from Black River Falls to meet us for lunch.
Cindy and I have been bloggy buddies since shortly after I started blogging - I'm guessing at least 5 years now.
Since I FORGOT to take any pictures on Sunday, I've scrounged these out of the old archives. Um, yah - - - you do know who you're dealing with over here, right???
After lunch Dan and Cindy came over to our little ole duplex home for a wee visit. Cindy looked around and said, "This is so cute! Why don't you show any of this on your blog?"
CUTE! She thought my nest was cute. I call that high praise.
Even though I think I HAVE shown most of my home on my blog already - - - Cindy said "sick 'em" to this bull dog, so WATCH OUT!
My Blogging Space
I have dubbed the second bedroom "My Computer Room."
So, when you look at my blog, should you ever decide to look at my blog, you can picture me sitting right at this desk blogging away.
Tonight the lovely late afternoon sun is coming in - - - and BLINDING me as I try to look at my computer screen, so I'm wearing a visor.
Yes, I most certainly am! A PINK visor that says Cedar Point on it!
China and Family Photos
I love this little washstand that was a hand-me-down from Sister Pam when she moved to Florida and decided it would NOT fit in her Florida decor.
It suits my eclecticity just fine!
I showed it to you at Christmas time all decked out in a pine garland and Moravian Star candle holders.
This is it's non-Christmas season look.
Which Came First?
You may recognize this little chicken and eggs combo from my header.
Recently I decided that since Easter was over it was time to put away the colorful eggs and - - -
Go with something more natural like these little bird eggs.
Now I must confess, I MISS the splash of color the Easter eggs provided. :-(
Tea Time
A few weeks ago I showed you some darlin' little Russian tea glasses that a missionary brought to our church.
It was "love at first sight" for me - - - and I determined I would get a set.
Last evening my friend, Connie, brought me a set of 6! Aren't they the cutest little things???
Thank you, Connie!!!
Iniquity or Antiquity?
A while back I saw this display in the South Wood County Historical Museum.
Clever boy that Phil to come up with this idea. Makes me chuckle every time.
Duck, Duck, GOOSE!
While I was out and about snapping pictures of the Wisconsin River for a new blog header (did you notice???) and to use in an upcoming post I caught these fowl playing duck, duck, goose!
I'm SURE they were playing duck, duck, goose 'cause the geese were here and over to the right under another tree were the ducks - shiny green-headed mallards.
A Book is a Passport to Other Worlds
Here is our public library where I spend my days ironing DVDs, checking in materials, shelving, doing room set up, making pots of coffee, scrubbing dishes, finding materials put on hold (pick list), and serving customers in the coffee shop.
It's a wonderful library and a great place to spend my days.
Lawn Gnome
If it's time to start mowing and - - -
Trimming, can summer be far behind?
For the Lazy Weeder
This is for moi - - - so I can sit and wheel up and down the driveway when I pull weeds, which I desperately need to do!
Maybe this toy will make weeding more fun so I will do it more often?
One can HOPE, can't one?
Head on over to Mrs. 4444's placeAnd check out all the other Friday Fragments.