Hosted by "Happier Than a Pig in Mud"
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I'm coming to the "bash" with a repost from this past July because it's just so appropriate for this party!!!
Wisconsin - America's Dairyland
(first posted July 1, 2010)
Doug is a farmer at heart. For years he farmed the rolling hills of Vernon County, first as a boy with his father and brother and later on his own place.
Farming is in his lifeblood.
He tells me, and I believe him, that the trademark Red Wisconsin barn is soon going to be a thing of the past. They are simply being torn down as farms disappear or are aggregated into large co-ops which use metal pole barns instead.
Even his own boyhood homeplace exists no longer. The state bought the land for a dam project that never even came to fruition. "Our" barn is gone. "Our" house has been moved to another location - - - one much less to its suiting if you ask me.
All this loss breaks our farm-loving Wisconsin hearts.
So - - - in honor of Doug and all the rest of us with farming hearts who love the red barns dotted against the rolling green of the hills that comprise the south-western part of this state I give you the following pastoral scenes:
Must be lunch time - - - this tractor is resting.
And now for the barns:
Thank you, thank you! It does a heart good to see Wisconsin farm land all lush and green!
They are beautiful! Yes, it is sad to see them go. Same thing happening here, farms being sold to build houses. But now there is no money for that!
I hope my gkids will know what a farm is!
"Beautiful Post"... My Mom is from the tiptop of Maine and was born into a farm family... I live in a farming area in Connecticut and YES we have "Happy Cows here in CT too"... I LOVE those barns too and we want them ALL PRESERVED...
Loved your post,
Hugs, Donna
Sissie's Shabby Cottage had a link to Happier Than a Pig in Mud and so here I am. I enjoyed reading your post today, as I am a native Wisconsinite. My husband and I lived there for over 45 years. Northern Wisconsin is where our great great grandparents settled on a farm in Langlade county in the mid 1800's. It breaks my heart that so many farms had been 'snuffed' out by the big corporations. Don't worry, California farms will never hold a candle to the rich heritage Wisconsin has. Sorry California but Wisconsin dairy will always be the richest and our cows will always be happier, as you have said in your post. Nothing more beautiful than old Wisconsin barns. There are a few still standing, and we do have photos. California eat your heart out.
'Got Milk?'
I think I shouldn't even be commenting here as I am about a million miles from Wisconsin and never been there. Never darkened the shores of USA at all in fact. BUT that first picture (especially) could almost be England and though I have nothing to do with farming, I would hate for our country to stop looking like that (and remember, we haven't as much room for manoevre as you!).
Hi Keetha,
Oooh those pictures look familiar!
Oh yah, I live around there. hehe.
And I so agree. I live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country and soon you will be joining us!
Have a great weekend friend,
Red barns, green pastures, happy cows, makes me sad to know they are all going the way of the horse and buggy. Take a LOT of pictures Keetha.
Keetha, beautiful post, thanks for sharing the great pictures of the beautiful farms! It is sad to see so much farm land lost, it has happened here too. Thank you for joining the Barnyard Bash:@)
You tell it Keetha!
We all need to stand up and speak for what is valuable to our heritage and way of life.
When salmonilla outbreaks keep eggs off the table, where do safe eggs come from? The family farm. When cost of transportation raises produce prices in your grocery store where can you get healthy food at reasonable cost? Your farmers' market.
What gives your heart more of a boost than a barn? Few things.
And according to our T-shirts, Happy cows come from Cal-umet County Wisconsin!
I got to visit Wisconsin for the very first time this summer and I agree...Wisconsin has some awesome barns...SAVE THE BARNS!!!
Woohoo, this Ozark farm chick is havein' more fun than a tick on a bloodmobile travelin' around to the Barnyard Bash. We used to dairy here on the Ponderosa 'till one day I asked "farm boy" what he'd take for the dairy cows, then one day I made a deal while 'Farm Boy' was out on the were all beef but we're happy beef! Heeehehehe!
Great post girl.
God bless ya and remember to strap on some barn boots before ya carry on! :o)
I have to say..whenever we drive to Mississippi through WI I think it is the most beautiful state! Go cows!!
I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago's North Shore. Our family spent many happy vacations in Wisconsin. Thank you for your lovely photos. They bring back so many fond memories of beautiful Wisconsin!!
Susan and Bentley
Beautiful photos! I should join this meme but I'm heading to Folsom to visit my sisters and my Mama. No. They are not in prison. They just happen to live in the city.
I'm so glad you came to visit my Texas Barnyard Bash post! You see, altho I was raised in Texas I am also an Iowa Born Farm Gal, and your Red Barn pictures just hit the mark with me. My Mom was born and raised in Iowa and her Family Farm is still in the Family. The 100 year old barns still there, too. What a great post for the next Barnyard Bash...thanks for the reminder. Enjoyed your post and your blog....I'm Belivein' In You, too....Sue
Sadly, the farms from many states are disappearing! Your photos are beautiful. l also love taking pictures of barns. Linda
What a beautiful farm, I could spend hours on my tractor mowing those fields. I find that really relaxing.
I can't get enough of barns and silos. I don't see any here in Southern California but my husbands grandparents bought a farm in Hayward, WI and I use to love to go there. They didn't farm it, it was just for their pleasure.
Sorry I had Hayward on my mind, it was Phillips, WI.
Happy to meet a former Wisconsin gal! Doug's family farm story is a sad one. Long live the red barn and the Badgers!
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