Holly lost her glasses.Somewhere in her house.In Florida.
I found them.
Somewhere in this desk in my house.
In Indiana.
No, I DON'T know for sure that they are hers, but it seems logical, doesn't it? I mean, she LOST a pair and I FOUND a pair! All kinds of things pass back and forth through cyberspace, why not a pair of glasses after all?
I brought this little Rain Forest Tree Frog home from my classroom. He was more than willing to model the glasses so Holly can see if they are hers.
And this baby doll sends Holly HER greetings with assurances that she too will be a "baby doll" if she wears these.
Even Brunhilda and Borris got in the act, though Brunhilda decided she LIKED wearing them and is hoping Holly won't claim them. She's threatening to hide them from me so I can't send them..
I think those are MY glasses, Keetha..I am missing about 20 or so pairs...
You have the craziest sense of humor! How nice of Brunhilda to share a lens with Borris.
Great weekend to ya!
Enjoy coming over and having a laugh with you. Have a nice weekend.
Maybe you could ask B and B if they happened to have left a child? say in Canada?
Ohmygosh! You are so funny! And so sweet. I must have dropped them while reading your blog this week. You know, my glasses look much better on the frog, baby doll and Brunhilda and Borris than they do on me. So, they can keep them. :)
um...could you take a look and see if my coffee cup is there?? Thanks
Tell me what it looks like Shannon - - -
For years I've been wondering where everything "goes". It's a big relief to find out.
My mum used to blame "The Borrowers" but I think they've been out of business for awhile now. I'm missing a small green trowel, BYW.
Now, it is my first time here, but you have pretty much achieved rock star status with me. Finding them that far away? Sweet!
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