The time has come, the end of the school year.
She thanked me for teaching them the three "B's" - - - Biology, Badgers, and Blogging.
We have a very special tradition at our graduation. Each senior has the privilege of stepping to the mic and speaking just before he/she receives his/her diploma.
But Evan's real name is Edwin, which preceded Emily alphabetically. When he stepped to the mic, he looked over at Emily and reminded her that though she has gone first all their lives, he was graduating first.
She stepped up to the mic next, looked back at him and said, "Yes, but I'm still the pretty one."
It was a great moment. Just the touch of humor we all needed to see us through the evening.
Keetha I am so sad that this has come to an end for you. I know how much you loved teaching this kids.
Thank you for sharing it all with us. I am sad along with you.
What a great ending though...they will always love you! Now what are you going to do? Enjoy the summer I hope! Come say hi :D
She is pretty. Now that school is DONE... what WILL you blog about all summer? Guess I'll have to wait and see. LOL
OK...I am teary-eyed reading this and the last post...something about graduations that do it to me...I miss teaching high school so much...Middle school just isnt' how I wanted to end my career...sounds like a great "send off" for both the teens and teachers!
So now - onward and upward. And a well-earned rest. In years to come when one of 'your' alumni gets to be famous, who is it will come through the doors on This is Your Life? Good Ol' Mrs B!!!! (Do you have TIYL in America?).
Hi Keetha,
I've missed talking to you! So sad about your school and your teaching there. My hubby just finished his 29th year of teaching this year. Today was his last day of school! I'll be in Eau Claire on the 24th for staffing. We meet until noon, so if your not busy maybe we can meet for lunch! Just let me know. And for awesome hills, you need to take the drive from Arcadia to Alma. Trempealeau County has the most amazing hills anywhere in Western Wisconsin and it's not that far from Eau Claire.
Hugs, Cindy
Comic relief is wonderful :) She's quick, isn't she!
Love the three B's!
It looks like it was a lovely graduation and you look great in your gown, too!
Kristin - The Goat
I've been thinking about you so much Keetha! I hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer. You could always come to Holmes County and visit if you get bored! ;)
So it's finally over.?
Teaching is never over. You'll see these people off and on for the rest of your life.
God's best in what comes next.
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