First, it WAS a weekend, so I watched lots of college football.
In fact, I invited some college kids over to watch the Michigan/Michigan State game WITH me. You know you can't watch football without football food so - - -
And - - -
We also had chips and dip, queso with chips, and pizza.
Michigan State won - - - in case you didn't find that out on your own.
My Badgers also beat Minnesota - - - in case you needed to be told THAT too.
Oh, and for all my southern friends, Alabama beat Kentucky too!
All in all, it was a GREAT football weekend.
Then today - - - - the HIGHLIGHT of my weekend - - - something I've been looking forward to for OVER a month - - - have I built up the suspense enough yet????
I can't say as much for the behavior of Teddybear Toiletpaperholder in the bathroom, I'm afraid he forgot his manners and scared Miss Kristin half to DEATH when she went in there!
In spite of all the unBEARable things around here, we managed to sit in my family room and have a lovely chat for about an hour and a half before Kristin needed to head on up the road toward Michigan.
Before she headed out, Kristin showed me her car, and I'd say she was LOADED FOR BEAR herself!!! Of course, she IS going to Michigan for a month - - - but just look at all the STUFF she's taking!!!
She's just a fun kinda gal like that!
Kristin, thank you SOOO much for making me a part of your travels today!!! It was soooo fun to meet you live and in person.
how cool is all that football stuff!!!! It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend!
The football goodies are great. I was not aware of the Little Debbie football brownies. Wish I had been at your party as I watched the Dallas Cowboys get beat by Denver.
culvers would go out of business if you left town
Looks like a fun football weekend! GO TEAM! ~ Sarah
What Fun! I love the little football treats and plates and such and it must have been quite a fabulous day to watch Michigan State University beat UofM. :) of course I went to MSU, so I am totally biased.
Well, I don't know WHO that goofy looking girl is that came to visit you but she surely wasn't scared of no bear. :)
Oh Keetha I had such a lovely time, thank you for your hospitality and for taking me home with you. I enjoyed meeting the kitties and the bears and Fisherhubby and YOU! I wished I could have stayed longer. I have a feeling this won't be the last time we sit and chat :) Thank you Thank You!
Kristin - The Goat
Those footballs are too cute! AND chocolate, Yum!
btw, I just found out that we do have a Culver's up north of the city. Gonna have to go sometime and check it out.
Have a wonderful week.
And also...sorry got sidetracked im'ing my daughter on FB...I think it so neat that you got to meet a friend IRL. So fun when we get to put a 3D face to our Blogging friends!
JEALOUS! I. Am. Jealous. I would love to meet you IRL and I would love to see Kristin again.
It was an awesome weekend for college football. Yay for your Badgers and Yay for my Tide.
Have a great week Keetha!
Ah. Cyberspace meets reality!
Roll Tide!!!
Glad you enjoyed the weekend and got to meet a friend! Isn't tht fun? I got to do the same thing...just by accident!!
Love the football plates.
Looks like you had fun with Kristin.
Go Badgers!
Reading your blog is like coming home. Thanks for that.
Little Debbie football brownies? Holy cow I need some of those.
I'll have to get some of those football brownies!
If you feed them they will come back you know. I'm just saying.
I'm so glad you got to meet Kristin. I just love her blog.
Thanks for the pictures and how sweet of you to have her over.
You got to meet a bloggy friend. Hurray! One of my buddies is coming up to Maine next month and I'm already in a tizzy getting ready for her. Alas, I have no bears, but I think my blue phrogs will keep her busy for a while.
what a fun weekend! love all the football party gear! :)
what fun and it was so great to see Brunhilda and Borris again!
what a great Weekend. :)
I'm glad your friend made it to Culvers! It was great to see you there as we were on our way out. Check out my blog to see Jayden decked out in he Colt's gear!
I must say, even though I don't like football, those Little Debbie football brownies are just the cutest! Did they taste good?
How exciting to visit with another blogger!
What a fun weekend! I envy all the fun your girls had! I know you had a blast! I look forward to the day when I can meet up with you two!
So cool Keetha! Getting to meet a blogger friend! Now you better come visit me one of these days your in my neck of the woods! Oh, and the Packer/Viking thing. My hubby who may be the most devoted Packer fan ever has been in a bit of a funk. Last night was kind of hard on him but he did say Brett played like a 25 year old this morning. I guess he will survive but when Brett comes to Green Bay things may get ugly. Have a great day too ! Cindy
Oh Keetha, you make life so much fun. Great football stuff. How cool that you are meeting some cyber-friends. Watch out, you may soon become a tourist attraction for Marion. (smile)
I am sad the Boilermakers lost....
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