It's Sunday again, and you know what THAT means!?! It's time for Sunday Favorites!!!Sunday Favorites are RERUNS, not current posts - - - if you want to participate, just repost something you previously posted "back in the day."Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme, "Sunday Favorites." You may click on the link to find the rules and see more favorite posts.I have been reposting favorites in order from the beginning of my blogging experience back in June of 2006 and moving toward "now." I have reached our Wisconsin vacation posts from the summer of 2008. Since we have just recently moved to Wisconsin I have decided to repost some of those posts that honor and highlight my beloved Badger State.This is the FIFTH of those reposts. This post features a favorite restaurant.There will be MORE Wisconsin reruns to follow in the next few weeks.
Famous AND Original
(First posted on July 22, 2008)
Perhaps you've heard of Famous Dave's Bar-B-Que, they have them all over the US now, but the ORIGINAL is here in Hayward. It is one of our favorite haunts. From the first time I went there, I was struck by the hodge podge (eclecticity) that is it's decor - - - - see what I mean:
This rough-hewn bear greets you at the front door, Fisherhubby optional.
High in the rafters you will see - - -
A Northwoods mural.
At the river-rock fireplace, complete with the quintessential log mantle, you will find fine china plates and lamps.
Hanging around the entire perimeter of the main dining area are - - - tin coffee pots and tin cups.
Now, step with me please, into the ladies' room. (It's ok guys - - - you can come for this tour too - - - )
I have never seen sinks like this anywhere else in the world - - - notice the gold fixtures!
The mirrors are framed with bows - - -
And the green tile walls are trimmed with gold. Quite "posh," I'd say!
Now, back out in the main dining room - - -
Each dining table is adorned with a paper towel holder like this!!!!! And you know, if you've been to one, that their signature "dinner" is served on an aluminum garbage can lid.
I'm telling you - - - it's like going to the prom wearing your oldest sneakers under your gown!!!!
What a fun place.
Oh - - - and the food is GREAT too, but THAT'S another post!