Posting this from Wisconsin Rapids. "Home" for all my Junior High and High School years.
I'm sure I can't put in words what is in my heart. These folk are part of who I am. What fun it was to see them all again.

Dad performed their wedding ceremony during a driving blizzard. Looks like it "took" just fine!!!

One of my special high school friends. We weren't in the same school, and she graduated before I did - - - but we were friends all through my high school days and she has a special place in my heart and in my memories.

"Adopted" us. We went camping in her garage, had paper air plane fights all through her house, and watched TV all night long. She loved us through it all.

Anita is Pat's daughter and the reason Pat was forced to "adopt" us. There was always a laugh involved with Anita - - - and she was on hand at my "near drowning" at Lake Wazeecha - - - but that's still another story.

We used to take Connie and her siblings to church with us. Now Connie is an amazing lady, one I wish all of you could meet!
Connie and Jerry were our youth pastors. They had no formal training, but they loved us and gave us leadership skills, and loved us, and put up with us, and loved us and loved us. I know I owe much to them for what I have become.