Today is Sunday again, and you know what THAT means!?! It's time for "Sunday Favorites"!!!
Sunday Favorites are RERUNS, not current posts - - - if you want to participate, just repost something you previously posted "back in the day."
Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme. You may click on the link to find the rules and see more favorite posts.

Sunday Favorites are RERUNS, not current posts - - - if you want to participate, just repost something you previously posted "back in the day."
Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme. You may click on the link to find the rules and see more favorite posts.
The "Real Thing" Baby!
(First posted on 9/24/08)
(First posted on 9/24/08)
Lately there's been an outbreak of "yearbookyourself.com" posts amongst my bloggy buddies.
I have not joined that craze because I've got the REAL THING, BABY!!!!
Pure 1972
Check it out:
You haven't changed ... too much! We were groovy back then, weren't we! Thanks for posting ... too cute!
Love all the poses... just cute as a bugs ear... hugs ~lynne~
I have one of those....... I think it's the top one.
Same great face----but whose hair is that????
Hair was still short when I graduated from high school. I should post one of those antique pictures sometime. It was about two hours after the camera was invented.
That gal above me - Annie - She's so funny. She's not two hours younger than the camera...silly girl.
This is a rerun? I don't think I saw the original and if I did, I forgot it. You do have a very classic 70s photo. Love them!
Hi Keetha...
Ohhh...I love it!!! Getting to see your yearbook photos! My friend, you still look just the same...with the exception of your hair! Hehe! Hmmm...are you a natural brunette? I'm sooo nosey...aren't I! Hehe! Loved getting to see your yearbook photos, Darlin'! Thanks for sharing this sweet post with us for the Sunday Favorites party this week!
Just wanted to tell you that I love your new header photo! Love, love, LOVE all those different colored chairs...summery for sure!
Love ya,
Love it! You *are* a groovy chick.
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