Married his true love, Cathy.
We had been looking forward with anticipation to this day
For a long, long time.
Without practice we might not know where to stand
Or what to do.
Far: Sitka, Alaska and Marco Island, Florida.
Near: Indianapolis
(Uh, that would be ME)
My dad, Peepaw, was the officiating pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Kelly Broyles.
A "sand bar" buddy in the back
Gave a red neck cheer.
That made Cathy giggle, made Kelly proud,
Toasted the newlyweds.
Kyle thanked his brother for coming first
Because after HIS antics, Kyle's own
Appeared minimal.
And reminisced of days gone by when their
Boys were young(er) little "imps."
But those stories will be the fodder
Of another post.
Came all the way from Roanoke, Virginia
Just to make sure a real tight knot was tied.

My son's wedding in Fort Wayne, Indiana,
To YOUR world at Communal Global.
Ooooooo - that´s SO sweet, I love weddings and always weep like a baby! :-D
Thanks for your kind comment yesterday, made my day but didn´t get the chance to bounce in here then since I had so much to do. And no, haven´t packed that much yet but I did fix some dollars at least... :-) Now I´m just SO nervous that the stomach flu will spread... Cross your fingers please! :-)
Have a great day, hugs!
Thank you for sharing this lovely, lovely post with us. Like Tina, I love weddings! There is so much love and so much hope. :)
Wishing your son and his bride a happy forever.
Such a lovely wedding! Everyone looked so happy and beautiful! Hope you have lovely memories from this special day!!
Oh what fun! It looks like a beautiful wedding and lots of fun! Uncle Joe looks like the life of the party:)
Have a blessed day dear Keetha, HUGS!
What a wonderful day, full of hope, good weather, handsome people, good friends, and loving family.
A little foretaste of heaven.
Weddings are so much fun!! Thanks for sharing and many years of love and happiness for the beautiful bride and dashing groom!
You can just see the joy and happiness on everyone's face at the wonderful wedding. I am so happy for you!
Congratulations! That looks like so much fun and your children are just beautiful. I wonder what mine will look like when they are grown...
I think the older Kyle gets the more he looks like your dad!
ahhhhhhhhh you're bringing back memories for me. I was mother of the grooom in June.
Congratulations!!! Everyone and everything looked beautiful and most of all...joyful!!!!
Congrats! Looks like it was a beautiful day!
Hey - I just realized why I wasn't in the pic with the rest of my family: I was behind the camera! How did you manage to post it already?
what a wonderful day! congrats to your son & his new wife.
Congrats! You look so happy and proud. Everything looks so beautiful.
How beautiful!
And I love seeing people have so much fun they're swinging from the chandeliers! Looks that way to me anyhow!
Beautiful. Life can be so darned beautiful.
Thanks for sharing these...they made me smile. And love your little witticisms on the side of your blog...very fun and puny! (Sorry, BAD joke....haha!) Thanks for visiting my website and your kind words!
I have caught up on your wonderful wedding posts this morning! What a wonderful time you all must have had! Such a beautiful family you have. The Grans are precious and in their 'wedding clothes' even more so! You looked beautiful as well. Looks like a pretty day and a lovely wedding. Many blessings on them as they begin their life together.
You have been very busy lately. No better reason than this! Congrats.
What a beautiful day! Thanks for sharing it. Everyone looks so happy -- weddings are the BEST.
Congratulations! It's so great that you love your new daughter-in-law so much and have been anticipating the union. Great pictures and what a lovely day.
Congratulations! I LOVED catching up on what's been going on around your neck of the woods (or in this case, back in my neck of the woods). :)
Your pictures are all so much fun. And the grandchildren, oh my goodness, how beautiful (and handsome!)!
Hello Keetha,
Came by to see what I have been missing and was in for a pleasant surprise!! Went through all your posts and I must say your DIL is so lucky to have you as her mother..:) I loved especially the post about your son, so beautiful and heartfelt!! Congrats to the newly wedded couple..
With much love from Lohr!!
More congratulations, i'm working my backwards today.:) I can't wait ot hear more stories. :p
My boys are "fun" so I love hearing about other mom's fun.
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