Good Morning! It's only about an hour until we leave for the airport to head home.
I just wanted to send you a few Costa Rica "shots" so you'd know I did remember you while I was away.
Oh my, how much would it cost for us to pull YOUR boat down here? Let's not even think of it, shall we?
OK - - - by the time I get there it will barely be tomorrow and you'll be working in the ER - - but I'm not going to school on Wednesday, so I'll see you soon!!!!
Looks like you are having a great time. Love that weather .
Have a safe trip home..."see" you soon....
Oh my... how could anyone be irritated in those gorgeous settings? Not Moi. See ya back in the States!!
WE ARE THROUGH MIGRATION AND SECURITY without a single hitch. Sitting (most of us) at our gate waiting for our plane out of San Jose. 8:14 AM here, our plane departs for Dallas at 9:25 AM
Loved my trip again to Costa Rica through your lens. I was there once a long time ago, but it rained so much did not get to do as much as we wanted. Glad you are on your way home.
Loved the beach picture! I bet you'll be so tired when you finally get home! :D
Do you have a love for the color 'blue'? :)
And to Tonja's point, did you ask the fisherman to coordinate his tarp color?
Welcome back!
Welcome Home my dear friend!
Love the post to Fisherhubby :)
Welcome home! I hope you had a safe trip home and are relaxing today!
How sweet of you to take special pictures for your husband! Hope your trip home was safe and sound.
The bird looks like a Grackel (what I call a trash bird), and what beach did you got to? I was in Costa Rica in '90 and went to Jaco beach on the Pacific... beautiful place that!
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