Many of you have asked where in the world I've been.

All I know is that after 7 plus years of blogging and a different lappy, which I don’t like, I seem to have lost my blogging fervor.

Someday, when you least expect it, I will post again.

For those of you still waiting I say thank you.

Meanwhile, I am rather prolific on twitter. Find me: @KeethaB
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The Eclectic Company - Waitin' on a New Adventure!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Vintage Thingies Thursday - Sellers Table


It's time for our favorite party over at Coloradolady's place - - - Vintage Thingies Thursday.

I've only got ONE vintage thingie today, and here it is:

This little kitchen table and chair set belonged to my maternal grandparents.

Several years ago when we moved into this house, we had an empty place in our kitchen right under a hangy downy light fixture. My dad, who was helping us bring in boxes, looked at that spot and said, "Would you like your Grandpa Butcher's kitchen table to put there?"

WOULD I LIKE IT!?!?!? Let me recite the ways - - - - - - -

I have so many memories of eating and playing at this table in my grandparent's kitchen.

Grandma sneaking us a glass of milk-coffee when mom wasn't looking.

Grandpa, with a twinkle in his eyes, leaning back in one of those very same chairs and beginning to recite one of the ballad poems he memorized when he was in eighth grade. "The Irish Jubilee" and "Hans and Jacob" were our two favorites. He told "Hans and Jacob" in a thick German accent, which I can still hear in my mind's ear.

For a little digression - - - how I WISH I had a recording of him telling us those tales, but we never made one. I'd even settle for a printed copy of them.

I remember one evening sitting at that table my little sister was so homesick she couldn't even swallow her food. Great big tears were welling up in her eyes and threatening to spill down her cheeks and over her chin. Mom and dad were working for the week at Teen Camp, and we were too little to go.

I was undaunted, having never felt a moment of homesickness in my life.

I remember Grandpa sitting at this table nibbling beer case cheese. Have you ever tasted beer case cheese? BETTER QUESTION - - - have you ever SMELLED beer case cheese??????? Oh, you have NO idea what you're missing.

And now the little table is mine. All mine.

It wears the marks of having been well loved and well used.

My friend Vangie, who is an antique dealer, tells me it is called a "sellers table," though she doesn't know why. I've googled and googled for more information - - - but as yet, its history is a mystery.

That's OK by me, because I KNOW the history that's important - - - the history this little table has had with our family.

My Button for Thrifty Thursday\ Linking this post to Thrifty Thursday over at Leigh's too. The table was a gift - - - that's free - - - I'm declaring that qualifies it as thrifty.



Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a sweet story. We have some pieces from our Grandparents and we love them. (not so sure our kids want to continue the tradition after we are gone)

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

I treasure things that bring back memories and I don't care about the monetary history or value - just the history that I remember. I've not heard of a seller's table, either.

This piece really does hold specials memories, doesn't it?

Deborah in NC

Maureen said...

What a great set to have. Lucky girl!

Paulette said...

Greetings from the Badger State! That looks like a really solid table, but the memories you described are really special. I'm glad no one I knew liked Beer Case cheese, although I had an uncle that would bring limberger to family gatherings now and then. Once he arrived with it, no one wanted to open the refrigerator anymore!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Special family pieces are the best! Love the memories you have.

Jocelyn said...

What a sweet story. What a sweet table. I know you will enjoy it for many years to come.


Bea said...

I always love the stories that accompany your great pieces. Love your grandparents' table.

Postcardy said...

That looks a lot like the table I have, but yours is in better shape and I don't have chairs that go with it.

Dawn said...

That is such a sweet little table. No wonder you love it so much with all that family history. And to top it off, I bet the table and chairs are all really sturdy, unlike todays products!

Julie Harward said...

What sweet stories...and what a sweet gift to be given...lucky gal! Come say hi :D

Ulla said...

The table is cute but I loved the stories even better.

Tra La La Boom De Ay said...

So...does beer case cheese smell good??? :) I loved the part of the story about your dear sister being so homesick. It is a lovely story and I am happy that the table fell into loving hands. Have a week filled with love, Cherie

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

What beautiful memories...thanks for sharing them with all of us. Family pieces are by far the best!
Thanks for coming by for a visit:)


Unknown said...

I agree, the stories are what are important!

Vonlipi said...

Family stories are so important. I cherish mine always.

Your table and chairs are adorable.

Marigene said...

What wonderful memories to go with that beautiful table...I love those old square tables.

LV said...

Great post filled with wonderful memories. The table and chair look very well cared for. You have a real treasure with it.

Tonja said...

Oh, I'm so glad you have their table! I so treasure things that have a family history. They are more valuble to me than something brand new!

Pam said...

Sister of mine: Our granny cupboard was a Sellers because that was the co. that built it. I had never heard that term in connection with Grandpa's table tho. Have you checked under the table for possible manufacturing markings?

Another table memory of mine is throwing up dandelion greens back onto my plate while trying to honor Grandma's request that I try a bite! (I would probably love those greens today.) So I got more than homesick at that table.

I have a copy of "I started on a journey just about a year ago to the little town of Morrow in the state of O-hi-o..." It's buried in a box at the condo right now, but I will share it when it comes to light.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic story! I'm so glad you got the table where it is loved. Have you tried googling Grandpas poems? You said you'd settle for a printed one. I googled one my husband remembered as a boy or a song or something and believe it or not it came up.
Great post, I really enjoyed reading it.

Gail said...

What a cherished piece of furntiture. The memories you have of your grandparents are sweet...and I can only imagine you will continually be making new memories! Have a happy Valentine's Day!

Unknown said...

How wonderful! We have a little *farm table*. Very simple with simple chairs but just perfect for the kitchen.


Roslyn said...

It's in lovely condition Keetha & obviously was meant to fit in that space!

CC said...

That little table was meant to come live with you and your sweet memories. I loved your story..that's always the best part..the memories we share with each other..

Coloradolady said...

I can believe you were never homesick!! I picture you always ready for an adventure! What a great family piece that surely holds special memories for you! Have a great VTT!

eilandkind/islandchild said...

Wonderful memories and that makes the little table and chair set.
I know beer case cheese and yes, it is awesome!

Unknown said...

Love your table with so many memories! Thanks for stopping by my Shabby Cottage today. Yes my husband was doing some work on an old chimney. Warm hugs, Esther

SuKnitWitty said...

Wonderful memories to go with a special table and chairs. You are so lucky to have both. Thanks for visiting today and sharing your memories of vintage quilts and quilters.....Sue

Grace @ Ruby Moon Designs said...

What sweet memories to go with something you now own! Thanks for sharing!

Blessings, Grace

Miri said...

Lovely table and story! A wonderful family heirloom!

Troy said...

Our house may be the place where we live, but our home is the box where we store our memories.

I've never met a cheese I didn't like. I know nothing about beer case cheese, but I bet it would be good with pickles, onions, and pumpernickel bread!

And to answer your question, my hairline can't read, so, while I am refuding to recede, it is doing so at an alarming rate.


Ann said...

Relly wonderful to own a piece of our ancestry, every time we look at it we are taken back to a previous time. Nice post. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Tin and sparkle

Jeanne said...

Hi Keetha, thanks for your visit today. I think the dishes are more the 50-s. I can't be sure.

I loved the story of your table and chairs. What wonderful memories. It is lovely too. The love that surrounds your treasure is is priceless.

Hugs, Jeanne

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE all your memories. I'm so glad you have the table.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Another wonderful story and keepsake, Keetha! I LOVe your stories!
Thanks for linking up to Tales from Bloggeritaville.

Tales from Bloggeritaville

Trish said...

Your memories are priceless! So, are the table and chairs, because, no amount of money can buy such beautiful memories.

Amanda Lee said...

this was a wonderful post-- and I know exactly what you mean about wishing you had recorded your granddad's ballads. My father was a great storyteller and my grandfather was an inspiring preacher, but for some reason we never recorded them....

Low Tide High Style said...

What a wonderful story and what a beautiful table! Those memories make for the best vintage thingies!

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment about my pie safe!

Have a great weekend!

Kat :)

Tamara said...

Hey Cousin- Wish I had met your maternal grandparents. My heart races when I think of how dear that little table is to you...priceless!
I tried to find "Hans and Jacob" for you, but I'm not sure I had any luck with that. I did find lyrics and score entitled "The Irish Jubilee" and will e-mail that to you.
PS: Do you mind if I post your blog site address on the Heavilin Facebook page?
Love ya and miss ya "big" cous...

ain't for city gals said...

Lucky girl...