Just a few minutes ago I read on someone's blog that they didn't know who was playing in the Superbowl!!!!!
Me either.
I just RANDOMLY went to school looking like THIS today. Totally randomly.
People, all you really NEED to know is - - -
The COLTS are playing in the Superbowl.
That would be the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS
For all you football-challenged types.
And, in case you didn't know it - - -
They are from INDIANA.
The Hoosier State.
No, I don't know what a Hoosier is,
And I'm not the ONLY one who doesn't.
There are about as many theories
As to what a Hoosier is as there are Hoosiers.
But whatever they are, I R one!!!!!
And have been one for 26 years.
So, I am a TRUE BLUE Colts fan,
And I'm doing whatever I can
To bring others along WITH me.
Take Blue Friday today as an example:
Miss Shelli is just STARTING to turn blue. No blue hair. No blue nails. No football bling. BUT - - - she's got a classic long sleeved T, don't'cha think?
Look at these two 6th graders, Hannah and Olivia - - - they're sporting blue too!
And here, amongst these 7th and 8th graders there is MORE Colts pride. Miss Sarah is sportin' her pink Colts jersey, Zach is keeping warm with a Colts ski hat, Roslyn is modeling the Colts Blue cardigan, and Allie's rockin' a Colts Champion T.
These Freshmen have class! Breanne in her Reggie Wayne Jersey, Jessie's got Peyton's number, and Lauren is making sure you ALL realize we're talkin' FOOTBALL here.
Two sophomores with Colts pride. Rebekah reminds us we were ALREADY champs in 2006 and Jessie's sportin' a Manning jersey.
Just look at the smiles on these SENIORS' faces. Kyndra, Austin, Tori, and Jerolyn.
We've all got Blue Pride.
And silliness - Plenty of silliness!!!
I hope you don't leave this blog without knowing THIS important fact:
The COLTS are goin' to Miami, and that's ALL that really matters, 'cause Who Dat dey gonna beat, anyway????
Wink Wink ;-)