My Sister Pam and her Hubby Joe are in Peru on a missions trip working with the "Kids Around the World" organization.
I have not heard hide nor hair from them since they've been there, but I am getting a trip update e-mail letter. From that e-mail I found their trip photo album, which I have pilfered to bring you this report.
The information in this report is totally fabricated by me guessing at what I see in the pictures.
It may or may not be factual. ;-)

I'm just surprised Joe isn't hanging out the window making a face to match the one on the guy in the sliding door.
I don't think they get to do all their traveling in this van however. I believe some walking in torrential downpours through ankle deep mud and piling in long, narrow, wooden canoes has also been experienced.

Not too shabby!

This soooooo reminds me of our bedrooms when I was in Costa Rica a year and a half ago.

I hope Joe Joe is behaving himself and NOT throwing little wads of napkins and things at his fellow diners.
I know from experience he is want to do so. No, not behave - - - throw wads of things at his fellow diners.

I LOVE the Peruvian culture! And their food is the BEST. I just had the best "aji de gallina" in Puerto Rico (out of all places). Check out that post in my blog. One of the friends I went with is from Peru.
The place where they are maybe staying and at least eating is beautiful.
What a wonderful thing for them to do! I've heard Peru is so scenic and amazing to see!
Oh, I want a place like that to stay in. I think it's awesome they are having this experience together. Memories for sure. When do we go?
I like your new blog header - very late summer-ish.
It looks like such a fun trip! I hope you are having a great week!
Ah. The GOOD sister. (Hahahahahaha)
Sorry, I just couldn't help myself! The place they may ve staying in and the car they may be driving about in look nice. The beds they may be sleeping in look like torture.
Is that the field of sunflowers we passed on our yarn search? They look mighty familiar to me. LOL
The dining room appears to have a paddle in it--is that why the house is on stilts? And when I think of Peru, I think of textiles and those cute little worry dolls and so it seems weird to me that they took crafts. And then I thought--of course they too crafts! There are kids that need crafts besides worry dolls and weaving! And puppets are adorable!
Pretty good guesses there! I could spot your sister and I haven't even met you. Like your new header! Reminds me of one of my mission trips to Romania where in the country we would pass huge fields like that.
What an exciting trip! You're such a good sister for interpreting the pictures for us. I hope they reap a lot of fruit in Peru!
According to the email update, they taught the Peruvian leaders how to make the puppets so they can use them in the children's ministries. :)
Such an experience that must be - very cool! :-)
Your sister does look like you and what a wonderful thing for those kids!
What an adventure! I'm sure she's learning a bunch while also having fun.
Neat post Keetha!
Now where the heck are you?
Looks like they are having a great time! I so love the house they 'might be' living in. The puppets are adorable. I saw your Saturday schedule at the top of the page, wish us luck Saturday!
Well girlfriend, I see you did not lose your love of a great foot~ball game over the summer.
Your sister's mission trip looks amazin'. I can only imagine the hearts she and Joe have touched and the stories she'll have to tell.
God bless ya and have a fantastic weekend sweetie!!!
Unfortunately, you aren't the first person to fabricate something for web distribution (and yours are probably about right).
Where have you been? Probably watching the Badgers in your football cave.
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