Hello, Remember me?? My name is Keetha and I used to be addicted to blogging.
I've resurrected my blogging habbit enough to join all my old bloggy buddies over at Mrs. 4444's place for Friday Fragments where we can unload the bits and pieces in our minds AND make our confessions.
Er hmmmmm.
* * * * * * Bloggy Blues * * * * * *
(photo from problogger.net)
First, let's address this "issue" I seem to be having with blogging.
I'm choosing to call it the blogging blues.
(photo from shoestringmarketinguniversity.com)
You see, I don't KNOW why I've been in absentia from blogland for so long.
I am well. I am happy. I am busy.
I have plenty of fodder, but little imagination or creativity and positively NO DRIVE to "get R done" when it comes to my blog.
You are all great. I miss hearing from and about you on a regular basis.
So - - - to answer all of your kind SOS emails which asked if I was all right and what in the blue blazes was WRONG with me and my blogging, here's my answer:
I'm not going to be foolish enough to PROMISE that my blogging blues are now over and that I'll be back cranking out a post or more a day like I did for over 7 years.
But I will say this: I have no intention of tearing my blog down and from time to time I will post. Any of you that don't TOTALLY give up on me, will again find my "wit and humor" (if I have any of that) here.
Think of it as potential for a surprise. Phhhht
Thanks for caring.
* * * * * * Family Time * * * * * *
We were very blessed during November to have two chances to be with our family.
First we made an unplanned, unexpected trip to Indiana where we were able to see all four of our children, three spouses, my dad, our grans, AND the two granpuppies.
At the Cracker Barrel dinner pictured above, all of us except our youngest daughter and her hubby and their two puppies enjoyed an evening together.
At Thanksgiving, three of our children, two spouses, one girlfriend, my dad, two grans and two gran puppies all piled into this little duplex with us for the holiday.
Oh what a time we had!!!
There was eating. Lots of eating. Too much eating.
There was game playing.
There was laughing.
There was NO fighting or crying.
It was awesome.
Christmas came at Thanksgiving for the grans this year so we could all be together when they opened their gifts.
* * * * * * Dreaded 6 - 0 * * * * * *
Someone in this immediate household had one of those dreaded decade changing birthdays on December 30.
That's right folks, she is now officially OLD.
A granny.
Kin to the dinosaurs.
But still and all, I'm PRETTY SURE good old dad REALLY meant to send THIS particular card Sister Pam!!
* * * * * * Fisherhubby Antics * * * * * *
I'm pretty sure one of the best of my blogging topics comes to me free and clear of charge via my very own Fisherhubby.
He just CAN'T resist performing various and sundry antics - - - including wearing his ski hat indoors on a long winter's eve.
He's SUCH a kid at heart. When a recent gift arrived in the mail, he was far more interested in the bubble wrap than in the gift itself.
I, on the other hand, went STRAIGHT for the chocolate.
The other day he said he was going out to get a new bird feeder.
I envisioned something MUCH smaller.
Then the "fun" ensued as he tried, masterfully, to figure out how to use it WITHOUT reading the directions.
The box said, "easy to open." I dare not tell you how long it took him to figure it out.
For Christmas he purchased himself TWO remote control helicopters.
Now, he "sends himself" to his room at regular intervals for flying instructions, self taught of course.
He says his instructor frequently gives him an "F" on the lesson - - - when he spikes the copter right into the ceiling and crashes it to the floor.
So far, the highest grade he's earned from his very tough instructor is a C-.
We have bits of ceiling texture Styrofoam ALL OVER the house. If he continues to take these lessons, soon our ceilings will all be smooth.
Oh well, textured ceilings are "out" anyway.
* * * * * * Badger Girl * * * * * *
Bucky played in the Capital One Bowl on New Year's Day.
We were invited out to our friends' place to watch it.
I wasn't sure I wore enough Badger Bling to ensure a win.
Also, I knew my friends didn't have ANY Badger decor, so I brought some along.
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to ensure a win.
However, I must not have worn enough bling nor brought enough decor, because my boys didn't win.
I'm still grieving.
* * * * * * You Know You're in Wisco * * * * * *
When your world is a snow globe from early December right through Spring.
Isn't it BEAUTIFUL??? No, it is NOT too cold - - - why, according to the weatherman we going to have a slightly chilly HIGH of -14 come Monday.
I do LOVE my winters.
(BTW - that water isn't frozen simply because that is the Wisconsin River which keeps moving. Most waters are round these parts are covered with at least 12 inches of ice.)
You also might just be in Wisconsin if the entrance to your Supper Club is a giant beer barrel. (Hill Top in Stevens Point, WI)
I'm just sayin'
* * * * * * Ice Fishing * * * * * *
On New Year's Day, Fisherhubby would rather go out and sit on the ice than stay indoors and watch football.
This year, our little friend Jessie joined him for a spell on the ice.
We'll save how tangled Jessie's fishing line got for ANOTHER post - - - shall we??
Fisherhubby got himself a portable two man ice palace with a built in bench and sled complete with a heater.
He has been chomping at the bit to try it out. In fact, he is out on "The Pete" right now as I type this bloggy post, this time sans Jessie.
I think all he needs now is a colored TV and "that which I dare not mention" for fear he'll actually try to get it. (It has to do with PULLING all this paraphernalia onto the ice.)
He even sat on the ice outside his palatial tent for a while. It was a balmy 4 or 5 degrees that day if I remember correctly.
* * * * * * Lots O Joy * * * * * *
Our lives are full.
Our hearts are fuller.
We head into 2014 with hope and a song.
Hope you are all able to do the same.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
And that's it for this week's
(Month's, year's??)
Edition of frags.
To check out more frags.
I'm pretty sure none of them
Will be as slow to update as am I.
While you're there, why not join in the fun???