Many of you have asked where in the world I've been.
All I know is that after 7 plus years of blogging and a different lappy, which I don’t like, I seem to have lost my blogging fervor.
Someday, when you least expect it, I will post again.
For those of you still waiting I say thank you.
Meanwhile, I am rather prolific on twitter. Find me: @KeethaB
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The Eclectic Company - Waitin' on a New Adventure!! . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .
2: Composed of elements drawn from various sources; also: heterogeneous (Definition from Merriam-Webster)
NCAA and the Big Ten Career TD Record: Montee Ball 83!!
Don't know if you have it? Try leaving yourself a comment.
I no longer comment where word veri abounds
Wouldn't YOU Like to Join the Kids on MY Block???
Chat, Chat, Chat!!!
Get comfy, have a cuppa java, and enjoy my place.
Brunhilda and Borris
At Lake Wazeecha. Click our photo to find our very own blog!
I Had a Little Contest - - -
. To name my "Grand Old Dame." But you, my bloggy partners Gave her much more than a name, You gave her a poignantstory And one sweet hour of fame.
Thank You
And Woody Says - - -
Woody Paige puts fun and witty sayings on his chalk board on the ESPN show, "Around the Horn"
Here are my faves from Paige:
* "Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon!"
* "Those who throw dirt only lose ground."
* "I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger."
* "The road to success is always under construction."
* "I fish, therefore I lie."
* "Dear Algebra, stop asking us to find your X, she's not coming back and I know Y."
* "Teamwork means never having to take all the blame."
* "I barely survived yesterday and now it's already today!"
* "Do you call Santa's helpers subordinate clauses?"
* "So, how many days DID it take to build Rome?"
* "Cancel my subscription, I'm tired of your issues."
* "Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday."
* "Don't sweat petty things . . . or pet sweaty things"
* "Two wrongs are only the beginning"
* "Worrying works. 90% of the things I worry about never happen."
* "I finally got my head together, and now my body is falling apart."
* "When I'm finally holding all the cards, why does everyone decide to play chess?"
* "Legend: A lie that has the dignity of age."
* "A diamond is forever: The payments are longer."
* "When in doubt, mumble: When in trouble, delegate: When in charge, ponder."
* "I don't have an attitude; I have a personality you can't handle."
* "When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you!"
* "It is better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot."
* "An eye for an eye leaves the world blind."
* "Sports do not build character, they reveal it!"
* "Dust is a protective coating for fine furniture"
* "I'm in shape - round IS a shape."
* "Money talks, but all mine says is "good-bye."
* "If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?"
* "Love is blind but marriage is a real eye-opener!"
* "A dog has an owner. A cat has a staff"
* "I'd like to have more self-esteem, but I don't deserve it!"
* "Red meat is not bad for you. Fuzzy green meat is."
* "Nothing is fool proof to a talented fool."
* "Bacteria - the back door of a cafeteria."
* "Nostalgia isn't what it used to be."
* "Stressed spelled backwards is desserts."
* "As I said before, I never repeat myself."
* "Corduroy pillows: they're making headlines!"
* "Young at heart, slightly older in other places."
* "(I'm) proof that evolution can go in reverse"
* "My reality check bounced"
* "If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?"
* "I hate people who steal my ideas before I think of them."
* "I was uncool before uncool was cool."
* "Middle age: When your age starts to show around your middle"
* "Do not disturb, I'm already disturbed."
* "If an open door is ajar, is an open jar adoor?"
* "March Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change."
* "Telepath Wanted: You know where to apply!"
* "The information went data way"
* "I'm bilingual - I speak English and SMACK!"
* "Mental floss prevents moral decay."
* "Why use a big word when a diminutive one will do?"
* "Why is abbreviation such a long word?"
* "I can see clearly now, the brain is gone."
* "Every morning is the dawn of a new error"
Quotes of Note
You're born a male but you have to CHOOSE to be a man" - Herm Edwards
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that" - Unknown
"They err who think Santa Clause comes down through the chimney; he really enters through the heart." - Mrs. Paul M. Ell
"Thankfully, our true roots are in heritage and not things. I just need to keep reminding myself that things are only reminders of heritage." - Keetha Broyles, June 21, 2010
"Tears lubricate the soul." - from "Finding Buck McHenry"
"Somehow you must come to understand that God is love, that love is the proof of God, and forgiveness is the proof of love." - The Priest in "Levi's Will" by W. Dale Cramer
"The truth about a man is in what he does, not what he says." - W. Dale Cramer in "Levi's Will"
"Fairy Tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." - G. K. Chesterton
Bloggy Awards
From Debbie at "There's an Angel on my Porch"
Created by Shannon
From Shannon
From Cry
From Debby at "Just Breathe"
From Carol at "Old Glory Cottage"
From Lori E at "Family Trees May Contain Nuts"
From Molly, Vivienne, and Mub
From Kyooty and Lori R at "Altered Glass"
From Vivienne at "The V Spot"
From Grace at "Growing Old With Grace, Lynn at "It's a July Thing", and Joycee at "Granny Mountain"
From "Raise Them Up", and Michelle at "Big Black Dog"
. Fridays are Fragdays. Lately frags are what I seem to do best, so I'm always glad to see Friday roll around. . .
Unfortunately for the purposes of this post, John Lennon used "birth" for the first syllable instead of "frag" so you'll have to make a slight correction in your mind as you enjoy this video. . .
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On our recent trip to Indiana I indulged in the treat of contacting my "old" (actually I'm the old one and they're all young whippersnappers) teacher friends so we could meet for lunch.
One former student heard about the party and HE decided to crash it.
Fun reminiscing times were had by all.
Well, I guess I should really only speak for myself - - - - Fun reminiscing time was had by moi. . .
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I'm ready to throw our internet provider OUT THE WINDOW!!!! If I charged THEM 50 cents for every minute our internet was down they'd owe ME by the end of the month.
And I kid you NOT about that.
Just trying to make this post I've already lost count of how many times it has gone down and back up.
I guess I SHOULD be thankful it does come back up.
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Spring is actually sprunging around here - - - as evidenced by these little tulips blooming in my front yard.
We haven't seen a snow flake or a sleet pellet since Saturday. . .
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Speaking of Saturday, my doorbell rang.
On the doorstep I found this box.
I tore into it and found a card that said, "I love you mom!!!!!" . .
I have four children.
I kinda thought I knew which it was from, but I texted out this photo with a "THANK YOU to whichever one of you sent me these" message.
Oldest daughter promptly replied with recriminations of guilt - - - all totally unnecessary.
Youngest daughter replied: "Did I forget to put my name on those???"
Oldest son replied: "I don't know WHY Korie claimed she sent you MY flowers."
He also said he showed the flower pic to a co-worker and told them, "My youngest sister sent these. My oldest sister will feel guilty, and I'm going to call my mom and say I sent them."
We didn't hear from the youngest - - - what can you expect? He has a new GF which is probably keeping his heart and mind fully occupied.
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You've heard of going to the dogs? Well it appears Sister Pam and BIL Joe have gone to the frogs. . .
Recently while on vacation with Joe's brother Jeff and his wife Johnna it appears that all four of them went to the frogs.
What is this world coming to??? . .
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How fun is THIS!?!
It appeared in our former hometown news paper one day last week. A friend texted me that it was there, then one of Fisherhubby's fishing buddies texted us this pic and finally my dad, Peepaw, snail mailed me a hard copy of it.
I was stumped about who A_Burgan was, until I searched him out on twitter and discovered his twitter moniker isn't his real name.
To say I was honored is an understatement.
EXTRA BONUS: Tweeting with this student has put me in touch with about 20 of my former students and this week has been full of happy reminiscences.
WOOOT!!! , ,
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This is a picture Mike Greenberg of "Mike and Mike in the Morning" fame tweeted out of himself.
Story behind it: Miami Heat star Dwayne Wade has been wearing some outlandish suits recently, including very much like this. Greenie didn't want to be out done.
So funny.
Gotta love someone with that much self confidence. . .
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On Thursday, May 2 the northern part of Wisconsin received 17 inches of snow. A resort in Hayward posted this picture on facebook.
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If you live here, you GOTTA find the humor in spring snow or you'll go crazy I tell ya!
Either that or try to kill off winter like Pete Maina did in this video. . .
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Fisherhubby e-mailed me this truism the other day.
When I say he e-mailed it to me, I do of course mean he e-mailed it from one room of our house to me in another room of the same house. Our best form of communication. . .
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Maxim Magazine included this photo of Manti Te'o's girlfriend in its list of top 100 hottest women of 2012.
If you don't "get" it - - - you've been totally sports-unaware for the past 6 months and should google to figure it out.
Fortunately Manti seems to have a good sense of humor and even showed up at the Hot 100 Maxim party - - - in the company of a visible beautiful woman, at least in the picture I saw.
Learning to laugh at oneself is a virtue.
Virtue which Fisherhubby has forced into me day after day. ;-) . .
. This will not be my typical SIMC post as it isn't coming from my city, nor the city that I am currently visiting, nor even from a city where I've ever spent much time.
BUT - - - it happened TODAY and it involved my youngest daughter so I'm claiming it for my SIMC post. . Our youngest daughter, Korie has been a feisty spunky little gal from the day of her birth.
When she was toddling I had a TIME keeping her from eating the dry cat food or pouring cake flour all over the floor.
Once she took it upon herself to walk across the top back of the couch and shouted out: "Look what Ornery's doin'"
A little over a year ago she and her hubby decided to run in a mini marathon. At the finish line, hubby announced he was over that. Korie was just charged up to run a full.
So, she did - - - alone. She trained and ran in the Indy Marathon all by her lonesome 'cause none would go with her.
At the end of that marathon she was ecstatic to have finished and very disappointed with her time.
Before the sweat had even dried off her brow she began planning how to train for her NEXT marathon and cut an hour off her time.
Enter the NEXT marathon - - - . .
Called the Flying Pig, and held TODAY in Cincy.
I walked into a lowly little ole Dollar General the other day and saw this flying piggy bank and KNEW it had Korie's name on it - for a memento of this race. . .
After all, her MIL (whom I love) thought of sending flowers, something which never even entered my mind - - - so I had some scrambling to do to catch up!!!
Flowers will die, but this flying piggy can hold her race medal FOREVA!!! . .
This morning - - - long before the sun dared to show his face - - - Korie was all lined up and ready for the starter's pistol. (Do they even USE a starter's pistol at a marathon I wonder??) She texted me that she was soooooo nervous 'cause Cincy is a very hilly city and she trained in flat ole Indy. . .
Just about the time the sun arose the racers lined up and were off on their 26 mile grueling run. . .
At the 5 mile mark Korie flew by so fast SIL Chris couldn't even capture her on digicam - - - so he snapped this sign for my blog post instead. . .
She flew past the Half Hog marker without even registering a bleep on radar. . .
So, SIL Chris positioned himself where she would run toward him at the 17 mile marker and was finally able to catch this image of her for posterity - - - she's the one checking her watch to see if she's bettering her time.
She was - - - but I'll get to that later. . .
Noticed the strained, "I'm working really hard" look on the runner in the background at 17 miles.
But not our Nae Nae!!! (endearing and short for Korie Renee) She was all smiles every single time she sailed past hubby Chris.
What a girl.
How did she GET this hard driving yet always pleasant and uplifting personality I wonder???
Brings tears to her momma's eyes. . .
And after just 3 hours, 53 minutes, and 52 seconds she sailed right over the finish swine - - - nearly cutting the desired hour off her first marathon time of 4 hours and 45 minutes!!! . .
And here she is - - - looking as fresh as a cucumber and as rested as a momma bear just emerged from her hibernation den.
But I'm so worn out from following her progress (from my couch I might add) that I feel I really should take a nap.
SO PROUD OF OUR FEISTY LITTLE KORIE NAE. She may be blond, but she's no Barbie Doll.
And many thanks to SIL Chris for keeping us in the loop with texts and pix.
. It's Friday and I'm on the frag again. Double entendre there 'cause I'm fraggin on the road so I stole the old song title and made it my own.
Why not check out my frags, then click on one of the links at the end of this post to join the party over at Mrs. 4444's place and see what everyone is fraggin about. . .
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I'm on the road again down here in Indiana for the sole purpose of attending our gran's FIRST ballet recital.
Her mommy captured this shot one day at ballet class of all the little ballerina feet. Isn't it priceless? . .
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Being on the road with Fisherhubby is an adventure. This is how he took care of his dirty clothes yesterday after his shower. "Do you want those in the dirty clothes?"
"Are you going to wear them again?"
"What are you going to do with them?" "I'm going to keep them right there." "Not on my watch." And I put them in the dirty clothes. . .
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I've tried for nearly 38 years to train Fisherhubby and so far all that's been accomplished is I've been well trained to put up with his antics and clean up after him.
Colossal FAIL on my part.
Good thing I can see the humor in it. . .
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Do you think I travel with enough recharging devices???
That pile is all mine, Fisherhubby has equally as many somewhere else in this room.
Couldn't some wonderful techno geek invent ONE COMPACT UNIVERSAL charger for travel? I mean we've sent men to the moon, how hard could it be to make a universal charger?
Oh yah, I forgot, some people think that whole moon thing was one colossal hoax. . .
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Yesterday morning while we were enjoying 80 degree temps here in northern Indiana a Wisconsin friend sent me this picture of his deck.
Little ballerina doesn't know we're here. She doesn't even know we're coming. So the other day she had her momma send me this spring greeting pic.
Isn't she a doll baby? . .
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One of the very best parts of fraggin on the road again is getting together with old friends. Wednesday night shortly after we arrived we met Mike and Diane for supper followed by a round of euchre.
You're going to have to be satisfied with this one photo 'cause I've forgotten to snap our other friend hook-ups. . .
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Ishowed you this pretty Lutheran church in the background of one of my travel pix on Wednesday.
Cass, who is a bloggy friend AND a Lutheran said most Lutheran churches she'd seen were ugly, so I just wanted to show this closer-up of it so you could all see just how beautiful it is. . .
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The other day our daughter Keri and our grans delivered a load of "out grown" clothing to this donation center.
Little Miss Piper had to hug and kiss her favorite jammies good-bye.
Hmmmmm - she must be related to he Aunt Korie who always felt sorry for ANYTHING she had to weed out or throw away. . .
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It is amazing to me that a country whose Founding Fathers established it on a Biblical platform of faith can have come so far that now those who are most loudly criticized and called haters are those who still adhere to the Christian faith.
I have never hated anyone in my life, but since I am a Christian I have felt that labeling many, many times. . .
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Ta Ta for now! That's all the road frags I've got for today.
I HAVE had another colossal FAIL here, I found this cute photo being tweeted out yesterday but when I saved it to my phone I completely forgot to mark the source.